Cities Clusters – E-commerce

UNOSSC and China Conduct Seminar Series on South-South Cooperation in Cross-border E-commerce
24 July 2023: A capacity development seminar on South-South cooperation in cross-border e-commerce for poverty eradication and global sustainable development opened in Beijing today. Eighteen policy-makers and practitioners from 14 developing countries attended the...
Experience Exchange on Women’s Economic Empowerment Held among Cities in Argentina, China, Ghana, Nepal & Pakistan
On 9 June 2023, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation’s (UNOSSC) Cities Project held an online exchange on women’s economic empowerment, bringing together officials and representatives from Buenos Aires (Argentina), Gurbhakot (Nepal), Sindh...
Experience Exchange on Gender Equality and Women’s Entrepreneurship Held Among Cities in China, Jordan and Peru
On 28 October 2022, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) organized an online exchange on gender equality and women’s entrepreneurship, bringing together officials and representatives from the Greater Amman Municipality (Jordan), Cajabamba...
UNOSSC and CATIS Launch E-commerce Report at the 2022 Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference
Under the theme of “Digitalization of Cross-border E-commerce Boosts Common Development of RCEP,” the 2022 Global Cross-Border E-Commerce Conference was held in Guangzhou, China on August 26. At the opening, Xiaojun Grace Wang, Trust Fund Director of the...