Cities Clusters – COVID-19

UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO & WHO Kick-start Joint Online Training on Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures

UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO & WHO Kick-start Joint Online Training on Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures

With over 1,070 participants from about 140 countries and territories, the first session of “Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures: Harnessing South-South Cooperation and Learning From COVID-19” was held on 23 August 2022, focusing on...
UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO & WHO Joint Certificate Training on Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures, 23 August – 13 September

UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO & WHO Joint Certificate Training on Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures, 23 August – 13 September

UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO, WHO Joint Certificate Training Programme  Transitioning to Complex Risk Management and Resilient Urban Futures: Harnessing South-South Cooperation and Learning From COVID-19 When: Every Tuesday between 23 August and 13 September 2022, 08:00AM...
Cities Pilot Initiative Launch: Advancing Youth Volunteerism through SSTC in the Context of COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Banjul, the Gambia

Cities Pilot Initiative Launch: Advancing Youth Volunteerism through SSTC in the Context of COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Banjul, the Gambia

28 April 2022, New York: The South-South Cities Pilot on “Advancing Youth Volunteerism in Banjul City of The Gambia, through South-South and Triangular Cooperation, in the context of COVID-19 Response and Recovery” was launched by the United Nations Office for...