

India-Brazil-South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation

About the Fund

The India, Brazil and South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation (IBSA Fund) became operational in 2006. It is a unique initiative to enhance South-South cooperation for the benefit of nations of the South. This fund facilitates the execution of human development projects to advance the fight against poverty and hunger in developing countries. The fund focuses to identify replicable and scalable projects that can be disseminated to interested developing countries as examples of best practices in the fight against poverty and hunger. Projects under the IBSA Fund are carried out in collaboration and consultation with partner countries, through South-South Cooperation mechanisms.

PGTF Activities at a Glance

Local / national stakeholder(s) or governmental institutions in any developing country are eligible for financing through the IBSA Fund. Project proposed by non-governmental institutions, should be endorsed by the local Government. The IBSA Trust Fund operates through a demand driven approach. Governments requesting support by this fund initiate discussions with focal points appointed among IBSA countries’ officers around the world. IBSA Focal Points are Senior Officials in the capitals representing the Governments of the IBSA countries. These focal points submit proposals to the IBSA board of directors for review. If a proposal receives favorable review, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, which acts as the fund manager and board of directors’ secretariat, initiates contact with a potential executing agency to advance a project formulation, and to facilitate the project’s implementation. The following are the sequential steps for the submission and approval of project proposals:

Substantive Criteria for IBSA Fund Projects

Reduction of Poverty and Hunger: The IBSA Trust Fund would support developing countries in their efforts to reduce poverty and hunger.Identifiable impact: The activities supported by the IBSA Trust Fund will have clearly identifiable development impact attributable to the Fund.
National ownership and leadership: Proposals should be clearly aligned with the priorities of the country concerned. Regional projects may also be considered.Replicability: Projects should be replicable and scalable for dissemination in interested developing countries as examples of best practices in the fight against poverty and hunger
South-South Cooperation: The Fund would encourage mutual exchange between developing countries, in particular best practices in reducing poverty and hunger.Innovation: The Fund would encourage new ways of approaching development issues with emphasis on the replication on innovative experiences already implemented in other developing countries, in particular experiences in the IBSA countries
Use of IBSA country capacities: The Fund will particularly encourage the use and the transfer of capacities and expertise available.Sustainability: Proposals should indicate how upon its implementation, sustainable activities have been improved or created to continue in a longer-term perspective.
Strengthening local capacity: The proposal should pay special attention to identifying and strengthening local capacities – with preference for capacities provided through cooperation.Timeframe: Proposals should normally cover a period of 12 to 24 months so as to ensure achievement of medium term impact
Ownership: The Fund would encourage projects in which national entities in the beneficiary countries will participate and will continue to work in a longer-term perspective.Project size: The fund would encourage medium-sized development interventions and avoid very large projects (projects are usually 1 million USD)

Priority Project Areas

Among other criteria, the Board of Directors will also consider projects that address issues regarding empowerment of women and gender mainstreaming. There will be no conditionality on the provision of IBSA Fund support.

Governance Mechanism

The IBSA Fund Board of Directors is composed of the Deputy Permanent Representatives, of India, Brazil and South Africa to the United Nations in New York and the UNOSSC Director. The Board meets once every three months, and in more occasions if necessary. The Board reports to the three IBSA Focal Points on a regular and individual basis by keeping them informed of the outcomes of Board meetings, all reports and of new developments.

The Board approves summary proposals and detailed projects and continuously provides strategic direction to IBSA projects to ensure their successful implementation through strong South-South partnerships.

IBSA Fund Annual Reports

Recent News and Updates

IBSA Board Approves Projects in The Gambia, Mozambique and Uganda

IBSA Board Approves Projects in The Gambia, Mozambique and Uganda

The India, Brazil and South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation (IBSA) Fund Board of Directors met today to discuss new project proposals targeting agricultural production, rural youth and women, access to water, and food security among others. These...