Silk Road Think Tank Network




The Silk Road Think Tank Network (SiLKS) is an independent and informal network initiated and operated jointly by 47 think tanks from 27 countries, and relevant international organizations. The aim of the network is to explore collaborative research for economic and social development, promote knowledge exchanges and build the capacity of Eurasian countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.


Carrying on the Silk Road Spirit—namely “peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefits”— the SiLKS is devoted to inspiring the knowledge generation, sharing and application of think tanks, in an effort to jointly build the Belt and Road and to promote the common development of all countries.


  • Joint Research: The SiLKS will encourage members and partners to conduct joint research on economic, social and cultural issues, associated with the development of OBOR Initiative in the relevant countries and regions, so as to provide policy recommendations or advice to governments, enterprises, and other organizations.
  • Information and Knowledge Sharing: The SiLKS will facilitate information exchanges and knowledge sharing through international fora, roundtables, websites, publications, media interviews, etc.
  • Capacity Development on Policy Research and Consultation The SiLKS will promote people-to-people exchanges in the form of visiting scholars and study tours, as well as create and maintain a shared hub for Silk Road data, so as to enhance the capacities of think tanks in terms of policy research and consultation.






17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Organization Type

Academia / Think Tank

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