Research Institute of Agriculture for Development




The Research Institute of Agriculture for Development (IRAD) is an agricultural research institute in Cameroon under the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI). The Institute, governed by Decree No. 2019/075 of 18 February 2019 on the reorganisation of IRAD, is a public establishment of a scientific and technical nature with a legal personality and financial autonomy. It is placed under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation and the financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance.

IRAD is administered by two bodies: a Board of Directors and a General Management.

Mission and Objectives:

According to the Presidential Decree No. 2019/075 of 18 February 2019 reorganizing IRAD, the Institute is a reference center for agricultural research. It promotes agricultural development, particularly in the fields of plant, animal, forestry, fishery and environmental production, as well as food and agro-industrial technologies. As such, these activities cover two (02) components, including agricultural research and the promotion of agricultural development..

1. Agricultural Research

  • Ensuring research, collection, processing, preservation and dissemination of scientific, technological and innovative knowledge, with an impact on the development of sectors in its areas of competence;
  • Ensuring the valorization of research results at the level of development actors, in liaison with the ministries in charge of the rural sector (agriculture, animal industries, breeding, forest, fauna, environment and sustainable development);
  • Developing national research strategies, and contributing to the development of sub-regional, regional and international research strategies, as well as to the dialogue between science, research and society in its fields of competence;
  • Participating on initiative or on order, in the carrying out of studies or services in accordance with its purpose;
  • Assisting the State Authorities in the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of activities related to its purpose;
  • Assisting the State authorities on issues relating to intellectual property, standards and quality of agricultural products, in conjunction with the organization in charge of Standards and Quality;

Promoting Agricultural Development

  • Development of agri-food and agro-industrial technologies as well as scientific models for environmental conservation, economic and sustainable management of agricultural resources;
  • Development of scientific and technical cooperation with specialized national, sub-regional, regional and international institutions in its fields of competence;
  • Implementation of a scientific program around the priority axes for the development of the country, based on the real needs of the users;
  • Valorizing and making available to users the results of research and reliable data to meet their needs;
  • Ensuring the capacity building of researchers, technicians and staff of the sectoral administrations necessary for the accomplishment of its missions;
  • Contributing to the development and updating of Cameroon’s agricultural map;
  • Build collections for agricultural, plant, animal, forestry, environmental and fisheries research.

Some Achievements

  • Seedlings for forest species, inventory and evaluation of Cameroon’s flora, domestication of Non Forest Timber Products.
  • Availability of basic and foundation seeds and seedlings for major commodities: maize, rice, beans, cassava, cocoyam, cotton, oil palm, cocoa, coffee.
  • Development of high yielding varieties: maize, cotton, cocoa, coffee, banana, plantain, oil palm, cassava, rice, sorghum, cotton, irish potatoes, fruits, beans, etc.
  • Development of improved animal breeds: cattle, pigs, chickens, rabbits, fingerlings, etc
  • Adapted technological packages developed: Integrated fight against plant pests, organic and mineral fertilizer application techniques for major crops, methods for the fight against animal diseases, techniques for the conservation and transformation of milk, determination of the age of vaccination of calves against major pests
  • Equipment for animal traction and the transformation of adapted products: yoke for oxen, harness for donkeys, dryer for fruits and legumes, etc..
  • Studies and analysis of some agricultural sectors: vegetables, cattle, groundnut, maize…
  • Creation of Irad Consulting and Services for a better valorization of scientific expertise


Agriculture, Food and Rural Development




02 - Zero Hunger

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