World Food Programme (WFP)

WFP and South-South & Triangular Cooperation

Today, an estimated 690 million people still live with hunger. The number of people facing acute hunger might reach 270 million by the end of this year due to the challenges posed by COVID-19. As the world’s leader in the provision of food assistance, the World Food Programme (WFP) facilitates South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) as an integral part – and an effective means – of achieving SDG 2 and reaching the remaining people living in hunger.

WFP’s global commitment to SSTC reached a new level in 2019, with 85 percent of WFP country offices reporting SSTC engagement with their host governments. Moreover, all Country Strategic Programmes (CSP) and interim CSP documents approved in 2019 reflected SSTC in their activities. The upward trend since 2014 demonstrates that WFP country offices have embraced SSTC as a strategy to support host governments in tackling their remaining food security and nutrition challenges.

At the forefront of facilitating SSTC, WFP country offices are well equipped with expertise and tools to broker South-South partnerships, with backstopping at both the regional and global levels. WFP adopts a diverse range of South-South modalities adapted to a virtual environment in view of COVID-19, across key thematic areas including school meals, value chains and market access, resilience building, nutrition, social protection, emergency preparedness, supply chain, and food security analysis. All these topics are at the heart of advancing progress on SDG 2 at the country level.

Featured Solutions

Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA Africa)

WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil

Regional Peer Learning on Rice Fortification

Photo Credits: WFP Ecuador

WFP Growing Network of Centres of Excellence for SSTC

To broker the SSTC, WFP also counts on its growing network of Centres of Excellence. The host governments of three countries – Brazil, China and Côte d’Ivoire – have formed partnerships with WFP to facilitate South-South Cooperation through the establishment of WFP Centres of Excellence (CoE). Upon demand of host governments, the CoEs share their host government’s experiences in addressing the zero hunger challenge with other developing countries and regions. With WFP support, these centres have leveraged government best practices in the design and implementation of national food security and nutrition programmes, and provide access to relevant experiences and practices in relation to SDG-2.

As part of efforts to support country-led initiatives, WFP launched and operationalized the first wave of SSTC field pilots that are now being scaled up through a second wave in 2020, with seed funding contribution from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, People’s Republic of China.

In collaboration with the Rome-based Agencies (particularly FAO), the five pilot projects in Ecuador, Kenya, Peru, the Republic of Congo and Sri Lanka respond to government demands for support in building the resilience of vulnerable smallholder farmers.

For example, in Kenya, a WFP-facilitated SSTC project is leveraging China’s expertise and cost-efficient solutions to improve post-harvest management and food processing practices of smallholder farmers in the country’s arid and semi-arid lands. As part of these efforts, WFP Kenya, in collaboration with FAO, the University of Nairobi and partners from the private sector in Kenya are sharing their knowledge in a series of five short educational films on key topics such as food safety and quality, the effective storage of cereals and pulses, post-harvest management practices and cost-efficient solutions to preserve fresh produce. With the potential to reach approximately 9 million viewers in East Africa, the videos will be featured on TV show Shamba Shape Up. The first episode is available here (WFP episode starts on 17’20’’).

Photo Credits: WFP Bruno Djoyo

Photo Credits: WFP Michael Huggins

WFP-facilitated South-South Cooperation to respond to COVID-19

In order to support host governments in the response to COVID-19-related challenges, particularly in the areas of programme advice and advocacy, data and analysis and operational support, WFP has launched a COVID-19 Service Offer in SSTC. It includes the provision of seed funds to eight countries to tap into WFP-facilitated SSTC to support efforts to respond and mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

Building on a mandate that both saves and changes lives, WFP is well-positioned to facilitate SSTC in order to mobilize additional capacity, knowledge, experience and innovative solutions from developing countries. In times of COVID-19, more than ever, the solidarity among developing countries that guides engagement in South-South Cooperation will be critical to ensuring that no one is left behind in ending hunger.

Partnerships for South-South Cooperation

SSTC is central to collaboration between the Rome-based Agencies (RBAs), which comprise the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and WFP. In 2017, the RBAs adopted the Joint Roadmap towards BAPA+40. Working with the RBAs and other partners such as the United Nations Children’s Education Fund, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), WFP leveraged its deep field presence and strong operational capacities to broker SSTC across its humanitarian and development portfolio. These partnerships aim to create benefits for the most vulnerable people who suffer from hunger and malnutrition and are at risk of being left behind.

Photo Credits: WFP Aditya Arya

More Resources on South-South Cooperation

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Promoting South-South Cooperation through Mapping of Country-led responses under COVID-19

Virtual Exchanges - WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger Brazil

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[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-envelope-alt” color=”Accent-Color”]Carola Kenngott, WFP Global SSTC Focal Point[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-envelope-alt” color=”Accent-Color”]Gabriela Dutra, WFP Global SSTC Consultant[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-envelope-alt” color=”Accent-Color”]Yan Jia, WFP China Centre of Excellence[/text-with-icon]
[text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-envelope-alt” color=”Accent-Color”]Sharon Freitas, WFP Centre of Excellence Against Hunger in Brazil[/text-with-icon][text-with-icon icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-envelope-alt” color=”Accent-Color”]Christiani Buani, WFP Regional Centre of Excellence Against Hunger and Malnutrition in Abidjain, Côte d’Ivoire[/text-with-icon]

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