Data Collaboratives



UNCTAD Statistics

  The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development offers statistics critical for understanding global trade, investment, and development issues. It provides data on everything from maritime transport and commodity trade to foreign direct investment flows, crucial for policymakers, researchers, and businesses aiming to grasp the intricacies of global economics and its impact on development.

World Bank Open Data

  This platform offers data on global development. It encompasses a wide array of indicators related to health, education, economic policy, infrastructure, and poverty, making it indispensable for anyone looking to conduct comprehensive research on developmental progress, economic trends, and policy impacts across countries and regions.  

International Montary Fund (IMF)

  The International Monetary Fund’s database offers a plethora of economic and financial indicators, including balance of payments, international investment positions, and global financial stability reports. It is particularly valuable for analyzing economic policies, assessing financial markets’ stability, and understanding the macroeconomic conditions of countries worldwide.


  This database provides a broad spectrum of statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, covering areas such as economy, education, health, and innovation. It is key for conducting comparative analyses of policy and performance across the world’s most developed countries, offering insights into best practices in governance, social progress, and economic management.


  As the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat offers detailed statistics on a wide range of topics relevant to the EU, including economic indicators, population and social conditions, health, and environmental data. It is an essential source for anyone studying the European Union’s dynamics, providing a basis for policy analysis and comparison between EU member states.  



Alternatively, access to certain micro-data can be requested through the submission of a research proposal.


ITU Data


The International Telecommunication Union provides data on the global Information and Communication Technology sector, offering insights into internet usage, telecommunications infrastructure, and technology adoption rates. This data is critical for understanding digital divides, guiding ICT policy, and evaluating the global progress towards a more connected world.



The International Labour Organization’s database is the go-to source for international labor statistics, offering data on employment, wages, working conditions, and more. It supports analysis of labor market trends, informs policy decisions on employment and social protection, and helps track progress towards decent work for all.

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

  This UN agency provides crucial data on education, science, culture, and communication worldwide. It supports global monitoring of education goals, assesses scientific and technological trends, and provides insights into cultural diversity and heritage preservation efforts.  



The Food and Agriculture Organization’s statistics database offers comprehensive data on food production, environment, food security, and nutrition. It is instrumental in tackling global hunger and malnutrition, supporting sustainable agriculture practices, and informing food policy and planning.

WHO Global Health Observatory


This World Health Organization database offers comprehensive data on global health indicators, disease outbreaks, and health systems. It is a primary resource for public health research, policy-making, and tracking progress towards health-related sustainable development goals.



Focuses on the well-being of children worldwide, providing data on health, nutrition, education, and social protection. This platform is crucial for advocating children’s rights, informing policy and program decisions, and tracking progress on child-focused development goals.




The United Nations Environment Programme offers data on environmental indicators, including climate change, biodiversity, and pollution. It is essential for environmental policy analysis, supporting sustainable development efforts, and tracking progress on environmental goals.

UNDESA Statistics Division: SDG Indicators Database


The SDG Indicators Database provides a comprehensive collection of data for tracking progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It includes global, regional, and country-level indicators across all 17 goals, which address a wide range of development issues from poverty and education to environmental sustainability and economic growth. This database is an essential tool for policymakers, researchers, and advocates working to monitor and promote sustainable development efforts worldwide.

Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)


The Demographic and Health Surveys are internationally comparable, nationally representative household surveys that provide data for a wide range of monitoring and impact evaluation indicators in the areas of population, health, and nutrition. DHS surveys are crucial for developing policies and programs to improve health and well-being, offering data on fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, gender, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and nutrition among others. They are widely used by researchers, policymakers, and organizations to assess needs, evaluate programs, and influence policy decisions related to health and demographic changes.


Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS)


The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys are international household surveys developed by UNICEF to collect data on the well-being of children and women. MICS surveys cover a wide range of topics including health, education, child protection, and HIV/AIDS, providing essential data for creating policies, monitoring progress towards national goals and global commitments like the SDGs. These surveys are crucial for understanding the conditions of children and women’s lives, guiding interventions, and measuring progress over time in various developmental areas.

Global Carbon Project


The Global Carbon Project publishes data on global carbon emissions and their sources, including detailed analyses of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion, and other activities. It aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the global carbon cycle and provides insights into how human activities impact this cycle. The project’s data are crucial for climate change research, policy-making, and efforts to mitigate carbon emissions globally.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation


The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation publishes extensive global health data focusing on various aspects such as disease burden, health outcomes, and risk factors. Their research includes the Global Burden of Disease Study, which offers comprehensive insights into mortality and disability from major diseases, injuries, and risk factors across the world. This data is crucial for understanding health trends, informing policy decisions, and prioritizing health interventions globally.


Human Development Report Office’s Human Climate Horizons


The Human Development Report Office’s Human Climate Horizons initiative provides data and analysis focusing on the intersection of human development and climate change. It aims to assess how climate change impacts human progress and explores strategies for sustainable development in a warming world. This initiative emphasizes the need for equitable and inclusive approaches to climate action, highlighting how climate change disproportionately affects the world’s most vulnerable populations and offering insights into building resilience and adaptive capacities.

Human Development Report Office’s HDI and other composite indices


The Human Development Report Office’s HDI (Human Development Index) and other composite indices provide a multidimensional perspective on human progress, combining indicators of health, education, and income. The HDI is a summary measure for assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge, and a decent standard of living. Other indices, such as the Gender Inequality Index (GII), the Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI), and the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), offer insights into disparities and challenges that affect development outcomes. These indices are instrumental for policy-making, providing a clearer understanding of development issues and guiding targeted interventions.

UNDESA Population Division


The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs’s Population Division publishes data on global demographic trends and projections. This includes statistics on population size, distribution, age structure, fertility, mortality, and migration. The data is critical for understanding demographic changes, planning for future population growth, and assessing potential impacts on development, environment, and economies worldwide. Their work supports international efforts to monitor demographic trends and informs policy decisions on sustainable development.


World Inequality Database


The World Inequality Database provides extensive data on global income and wealth inequality. It compiles and analyzes data collected from various countries to illustrate the distribution of income and wealth both within and between countries. This database is a crucial resource for understanding the dynamics of inequality worldwide, offering insights into how economic resources are allocated and how inequality impacts social and economic development. It serves as a valuable tool for researchers, policymakers, and the public interested in addressing inequality issues.

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)


The Inter-Parliamentary Union publishes data related to parliamentary systems worldwide, including information on the structure and functioning of parliaments, gender parity among parliamentarians, youth engagement in parliamentary processes, and legislative measures on various issues. This data is crucial for understanding global trends in democratic governance, legislative developments, and the representation of diverse groups within political systems. The IPU’s work supports the strengthening of parliamentary democracy and promotes informed dialogue and cooperation among national parliaments.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)


UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations with a unique mandate to promote, dynamize and accelerate industrial development.


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)


The UN Refugee Agency is a global organization working to save lives, protect rights and build a better future for refugees, internally displaced communities and stateless people. Their work ensures that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find refuge from violence or persecution.

United Nations Population Fund (UNDFPA)


The UNDFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Their mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)


The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) contributes to global peace and security, sustainable development and human rights by helping to make the world safer from drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism.


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA)


UN OCHA supports humanitarian organizations to respond effectively to the needs of people caught in crises, to understand and analyze their needs, and to mobilize international assistance. They provide tools and services to help humanitarian organizations ensure that no one affected by a crisis is left behind.

WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP)

  JMP has reported country, regional and global estimates of progress on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) since 1990.

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division (UNSD)


The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) serves under the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) as the central mechanism within the Secretariat of the United Nations to supply the statistical needs and coordinating activities of the global statistical system.