South-South Global Thinkers: The Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks for South-South Cooperation

Regional Joint Project on Partnership for a Green Economy

Challenge The growth model of the last century has been accompanied by significant environmental degradation and increasing social inequality. It is thus one of the greatest challenges of our time to build economies that improve human well-being and social equity...
South-South Global Thinkers: The Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks for South-South Cooperation

Developing National Evaluation Capacities in Nigeria

Challenge The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for follow-up and review processes to measure progress towards achieving the SDGs. It emphasizes that these mechanisms should be based on high quality country-led evaluations and data. Thus, stronger national...
South-South Global Thinkers: The Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks for South-South Cooperation

Myanmar Population and Housing Census

Challenge Lack of comprehensive population data at the national and subnational levels over more than three decades has hampered the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes in Myanmar and the ability to track the progress of development...