United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA): Sub-regional cooperation to achieve 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

China South-South Development Centre

Challenge The increasing economic and technical capacities of the South and the emergence of a growing group of Southern countries, such as Brazil, China, India, South Africa and the Gulf countries, as influential stakeholders in international economic relations have...
Morocco and Tunisia: Facilitating Market Access for Selected Value Chains of Typical Food Products

Partnership for Action on Green Economy

Challenge Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country and its economy is mainly driven by agriculture, extractive industries and hydropower energy sectors. The economy relies heavily on agriculture (around 40 per cent of total employment) and natural resources. Land...
Morocco and Tunisia: Facilitating Market Access for Selected Value Chains of Typical Food Products

Service Innovation Fund

Challenge In Bangladesh, citizens must travel long distances, often make multiple trips, incur high costs and endure considerable delays and frustration when accessing various services, especially government services. They also lack information on how to navigate...