Better Hospital Performance through 5S-KAIZEN-TQM

Better Hospital Performance through 5S-KAIZEN-TQM

Challenge Hospitals in developing countries face serious problems with health-service quality owing to a lack of adequate human resources, poor management of equipment and medicines, and operational inefficiency. Global development discourse, in the meantime, has...
Better Hospital Performance through 5S-KAIZEN-TQM

South-to-South Learning Exchange on HIV Prevention

Challenge An estimated 4.9 million people were living with HIV in the Asia and the Pacific region in 2012. Regionally, the numbers of new HIV infections have fallen by 26 per cent since 2001, with a number of countries reducing infections by over 50 per cent in that...
Better Hospital Performance through 5S-KAIZEN-TQM

Pharmaceutical Procurement Service

Challenge Obtaining access to affordable medicine is a big challenge, particularly for individual small island developing States, such as those in the Eastern Caribbean, with small populations and the tendency to procure medicine in smaller quantities. As a result,...
Better Hospital Performance through 5S-KAIZEN-TQM

More Doctors (Mais Médicos) Project

Challenge Brazil’s constitution recognizes health as a human right and strives to provide universal health coverage and access to it for all Brazilians through their primary health-care system. Nevertheless, great disparities in health persist, with a sizable...