Fish Culture Development for Africa

Fish Culture Development for Africa

Challenge Fish and other fishery products are preferred food items in Africa because they are rich in protein and micronutrients. Fish is reasonably priced (less expensive than substitute food items such as meat) and constitutes an integral part of traditional diets....
African Risk Capacity

African Risk Capacity

Challenge Over the last four decades, sub-Saharan Africa has experienced more than 1,000 disasters. They are a major threat to development, putting recent economic development gains at risk. Africa’s disaster profile is characterized by extreme...
Songhai Centres

Songhai Centres

Challenge Africa’s population is forecast to double by 2050. Meanwhile, the continent’s average cereal yields have shown little improvement since the 1960s in contrast to steep rises in productivity throughout much of Asia. Over the same period, Africa has...
Chile Fund against Hunger and Poverty

Chile Fund against Hunger and Poverty

Challenge Although the number of people living in extreme poverty dropped by more than half between 1990 and 2015 (from 1.9 billion to 836 million), too many people are still struggling to meet the most basic human needs. Today, eradicating poverty in all its forms...
Fish Culture Development for Africa

Strengthening Governance for Nutrition

Challenge Guatemala suffers from high food insecurity and chronic undernutrition, and its local government and community leaders have limited awareness of food and nutrition security issues. As a result, these crucial issues are not reflected in local decision-making....