by galaxydev | Jun 30, 2019 | Solution
Challenge Billions of dollars in cash payments and transfers are made daily in emerging and developing economies, including payment of salaries, social welfare and relief, payments to suppliers, remittances, etc. The problems with these cash payments include a lack of...
by UNOSSC | Mar 17, 2019 | Highlighted, Solution
Challenge Rapid and uncontrolled coastal development has resulted in increased habitat loss in Belize’s coastal zone. It is estimated that about 75-80 per cent of all coastal land in Belize has been purchased for the development of tourism and residential areas,...
by UNOSSC | Mar 17, 2019 | Highlighted, Solution
Challenge Though 26 Latin American and Caribbean countries produce rice, demand far exceeds supply. In addition to market risks, the livelihoods and production of the region’s rice farmers are very vulnerable to climate change, especially to changes in water...
by UNOSSC | Mar 17, 2019 | Solution
Challenge The term ‘global health diplomacy’ aims to capture the multi-level and multi-actor negotiation that shapes and manages the global policy environment for health. In this regard, officials who work in the international relations area of Ministries...
by UNOSSC | Mar 17, 2019 | Solution
Challenge The Government of Nigeria has long recognized the challenges facing its water supply and sanitation sector. This includes low access to services, failure of poorly maintained infrastructure, weak capacity and performance of service providers, and the...