University of Buea




The University of Buea was founded in 1993 following wide-ranging university reforms in Cameroon. Conceived in the English-speaking tradition, the University of Buea seeks to foster the essence of that system, while situating itself within the larger bilingual and multicultural context of Cameroon. It is located in the historic town of Buea, former capital of German Kamerun, former capital of the federated State of West Cameroon and now the provincial capital of the South West Region of Cameroon. Although the University draws its students mainly from the English-speaking part of Cameroon, it also serves the other provinces of the country.

The mission of the University of Buea is to provide opportunities for quality education through teaching and research in an environment that is conducive to such pursuits and in ways that respond to market forces. The University is dedicated to the continuous quest for excellence, the promotion of moral and human values, and service to the community. Its teaching and research programmes emphasize relevance, encourage tolerance and promote creative, critical and independent thinking.

The University of Buea is dedicated to the provision of programmes of study and research of the highest standards. It also produces high quality graduates with skills to satisfy the ever increasing demand of the Cameroonian, African and international job markets. The academic staff hold advanced qualifications and several possess international reputations.

The student population is over 12,000, including over fifty who are physically and visually disabled. Adequate welfare provision for this later category of students remains both a challenge and a priority for the university administration.

The University of Buea is made up of five faculties (Arts; Education; Health Sciences; Science; and Social and Management Sciences) and one professional school, the Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters, (ASTI).

As in most English specking institutions, the governance system of the university is based on concentration and devolution of management, with structures such as Council, Senate, Congregation and Committees on which staff and students are represented. This has enabled the University to make considerable strides and to be recognized as a progressive African University of choice.

A highly qualified and diversified staff (about 300 permanent and 200 part-time) cater for the over 12,000 students, together with our partners in more than 40 universities in Africa, Europe and North America. In addition to teaching, the staff undertake research in diverse fields that are relevant to national development. In addition to the academic staff, UB also has about 473 support staff.

Training at the University of Buea is supported by modest infrastructure including lecture halls, teaching and research laboratories, amongst others. For effective implementation of the New Policy on University Governance which lays emphasis on effectiveness, efficiency and management principles based on rigor, transparency and results, the University is connected to the outside world via a fibre optic link to Camtel, a major local telecommunications company. The main campus also has a fibre optic network that interconnects most of the buildings on campus.

In keeping with the New University Governance Policy of Cameroon, the outreach activities of the University are increasingly involving the private sector in funding and training so as to ensure that the graduates are relevant to the labour market. The University of Buea provides mentorship and plays a supervisory role to several tertiary educational institutions all over Cameroon.

In view of its vision and aspiration of becoming a leading university in the quality and relevance of its teaching, research and services by 2015, the University of Buea is emphasizing sports, entrepreneurship and civics and ethics in its training programmes; and providing a healthy competitive atmosphere devoid of sex, racial and religious discrimination.


Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Education, Health, Industrial Development, Research, Science, Technology & Innovation, Capacity Building




02 - Zero Hunger, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 04 - Quality Education

Organization Type

Academia / Think Tank

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