Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation
The Sustainable Rural Community Development (SURCOD) is a local non-governmental organization which currently works in the Nsanje and Chikwawa districts of Malawi. Its mission is to improve the livelihoods of rural communities by generating economic, agricultural, educational and cultural empowerment, and by promoting health and gender equality through the mobilization, training, education and entertainment of all women, men and children. SURCOD is a member of the Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi (CONGOMA) since its inception in 2011. In August 2013 the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at its Substantive Session of July 2013, adopted the recommendation of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations to grant special consultative status to SURCOD. We are also a member of NGO Board of Malawi.
Having Malawi as a country where rural communities are self-sustained, the population is healthy and fully empowered, and all people are equal, know their rights and take their own development initiatives.
To improve the livelihoods of rural communities by generating economic, agricultural, educational and cultural empowerment, and by promoting health and gender equality through the mobilization, training, education and entertainment of all women, men and children. Aim SURCOD is aiming at Creating Sustainable livelihood for the improvement of the local communities in Malawi, for us to achieve this we demarcated our services into the following strategies
Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Child Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Education, Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, Health, Humanitarian Emergencies, Natural Resource Management, Peace and Development, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environment, Volunteerism, Water, Youth, Reproductive Health, Climate Change, Capacity Building
01 - No Poverty, 02 - Zero Hunger, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 04 - Quality Education, 05 - Gender Equality, 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation, 07 - Affordable and Clean Energy, 08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10 - Reduced Inequalities, 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, 13 - Climate Action, 16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Organization Type