Partners in Population and Development (PPD)




Partners in Population and Development (PPD), is an inter-governmental organization of 27 developing countries from across Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, representing 59% of the world population. PPD was established during the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) to promote and strengthen South-South cooperation (SSC) in reproductive health (RH), population and development within the framework of the International Conference on Population and Development(ICPD) Program of Action (PoA) and was reinforced subsequently by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were adopted by the world community in 2000. PPD ranks high in repute and has earned worldwide recognition as a global intergovernmental organization to promote South-South cooperation (SSC). SSC is universally acknowledged as an efficient, cost-effective, and result-oriented modality for sustainable development of the Southern nations.

Over the last 25 years, PPD, as an inter-governmental organization, established its permanent Secretariat in Dhaka, Bangladesh, obtained the United Nations Permanent Observer Status, established its regional office in Kampala, Uganda and a Program Office in China and built its own headquarters complex in Dhaka with generous contributions from its member states. Today, PPD has become a vigorous inter-governmental organization with its 27 member countries sharing same principles and committed to attaining their common vision in leading the promotion of SSC towards the attainment of the global population and reproductive health agenda for sustainable development. PPD established a robust system of governance led by its governing Board consisting of Ministers and high-level government officials from Member Countries, a focal Partner Country Coordinator (PCC) from each of the 27 MCs, a network of 23 Partner Institutions (PIs) in 14 countries. The Executive Committee is the decision-making body comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and five (5) members elected by the Board for a three years’ term.  PPD Secretariat is headed by an Executive Director who along with a qualified professional team appointed by the Executive Committee oversees the Organization’s activities.


To promote South-South cooperation towards the attainment of the global population and reproductive health agenda for sustainable development.


To achieve its vision through sustained advocacy, capacity building, networking, knowledge management/ sharing and transfer of technology in the field of RH, Population and Development within the framework of SSC.


Asia Pacific: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam

Subsaharan Africa: Benin, Côte d’Ivoir, Ethiopia, Ghana, The Gambia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe

Middle East and North Africa: Egypt, Jordan Morrocco, Tunisia and Yemen

Latin America: Colombia and Mexico

  1. Population dynamics, demographic dividend and development
  2. Universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights including family planning
  3. Maternal, children’s and adolescents’ health
  4. Healthy and active ageing
  5. Social cohesion of migrants and their SRHR
  6. Health including reproductive health and poverty alleviation
  7. Preventing Gender-based violence


  1. Policy Advocacy for  political commitments;
  2. Institutionalize the international inter-ministerial conference on population and development;
  3. Capacity building and technical cooperation;
  4. Creation of SSC center of  excellence;
  5. Experience sharing and knowledge management;
  6. Strategic partnership, resource mobilization and innovation pilot initiatives.


Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, Health, Migration, Research, Development Cooperation




01 - No Poverty, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 05 - Gender Equality, 10 - Reduced Inequalities, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Organization Type

Intergovernmental Organization

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