Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina



The International Cooperation Division within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina strengthens ties to other countries and builds a positive image of Argentina in the global arena, facilitating bilateral, regional and multilateral negotiations by showcasing a reliable country with quality, experienced resources, and respectful of the institutions of the countries with which it interacts.Argentina’s experience in the context of South-South and Triangular Cooperation has proven that, through dialogue and the search for complementarity, it is possible to achieve results with a social, economic and environmental impact that lead to well-being and progress in our societies. Thus, Argentina has established itself as a relevant actor in the field of Triangular Cooperation under the premise of building, from the South, a bridge across the diversity of paradigms and actors.To such end, Argentina has the Argentine Fund for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (FO.AR), which over more than 25 years has established and developed partnerships for development. Its purpose is to build capacity through the sharing of knowledge, technologies and best practices, as well as to create more dynamic development processes by means of technical assistance provided in the context of international cooperation projects.


Development Cooperation




02 - Zero Hunger, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation, 13 - Climate Action, 14 - Life Below Water, 15 - Life on Land, 16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Organization Type


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