Intergovernmental Collaborative Action Fund for Excellence
ICAFE is a humanitarian organization established in the United States as "Intergovernmental Collaborative Action Fund for Excellence" under a focus that convenes governments, academia and philanthropic actors to devise and implement innovative solutions for the world’s most pressing problems, with the purpose to regenerate the glory of the Planet Earth, in its integrity and abundance, to assure respectful place to all creatures in their intrinsicalities and attributes, and to open ways for licit progress.
ICAFE has dedicated itself to supporting Education, internships, culture of peace, tolerance & Non-Violence, promoting training in diplomacy as tool of bringing cultures together and stand behind several resolutions of the international Community such as the U.N.
ICAFE’s fundamental purpose is to regenerate the glory of the Planet Earth for better co-existence by promoting the theme of Education through peaceful-modern learning & training methods, while contributing to a better world via peaceful development initiatives in global collaboration with governments, private sector and individuals committed to the cause. Our mission is geared towards supporting academia and social themes in quest for a better peaceful tomorrow.
United States of America
01 - No Poverty, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 04 - Quality Education, 07 - Affordable and Clean Energy, 08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 09 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 13 - Climate Action, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Organization Type
Intergovernmental Organization