Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence (HCIE)




The Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence (HCIE), located in Ramallah, State of Palestine, was established by a presidential decree with the purpose to incubate innovation and inventors and to provide entrepreneurial ecosystem, organized by regulations and to provide solidarity for Palestinian economy which is dependent and fragile.

HCIE takes in consideration the importance of its existence, which is putting more responsibility on its role in leading change. The council has a multi member board which represents all sectors in Palestine. The board includes representatives of: higher education and ministry of education (schools and directorates), national economic ministry (Intellectual Property), ministry of development and planning, head of president office, the minister of communication and transportation, Palestinian federation of business men, and other NGO`s institutions that work in the field of innovation and special consideration of groups such as women and youth. In addition to some associations of research, and their corporations and companies in particular micro and small enterprise.


A Palestinian community enriched with innovation, distinct performance, in all aspects of life.


The Higher Council, through its faith and confidence in the potential creative capacities and energies of the Palestinian people and its recognition of the vital role of creativity in building up the State of Palestine and strengthening the steadfastness, resilience and prosperity of the Palestinian people, seeks to play a leading role towards consolidating a culture of innovation and excellence among the Palestinian community and very fair and just empowerment of all those innovators and creative people, and towards strengthening the structure of creativity system in various sectors, so that creativity becomes mainstay of the economy and the knowledgeable society in which we seek

Strategic Goals:

  • Dissemination and entrenchment of a culture of excellence and innovation amongst the Palestinian people, especially among the youth, through:
    • Setting up a code that includes values, directives, and standards, functioning and stimulating creativity and excellence. Embracing the creative people and providing care and support to them in various forms. Working with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education to develop policies, regulations and stimulating and supportive programs for innovation and excellence, especially at the level of primary education and higher education.
  • Strengthening the structure of innovation system in the various sectors through:
    • Supporting institutions that work in the field of innovation and excellence, the strengthening of institutional capacities and stimulating the coordination and concerted efforts and the integration of their roles, in order to maximize the collective impact, and putting an end to the duplication and fragmentation of efforts.
    • Encouraging private sector in Palestine and in the Diaspora on increasing its investment in the field of innovation and creativity, stimulating the issue of establishing multi-party partnerships including the public sector, private sector and the national sector, universities and institutions concerned, so as to form an organizational structure or framework that stimulates and enhances innovation, and facilitates the realization of economic and developmental outcomes.
    • Building up information systems, knowledge resources, and providing information services that are supportive to the individuals and public corporations working in innovation field.
    • Providing legal, stimulating and supportive environment for innovation and creativity. Cooperating with the concerned parties in preparing drafts of legislations relating to the innovation and excellence.
  • Adequate and effective representation of Palestine within the regional and international systems of creation and innovation; facilitating thereby the use of all available opportunities for networking, and transfer and domestication of adequate technological and cognitive creations and innovations.
  • Building up effective communication channels with the Palestinian competencies in the Diaspora, creating innovative methods and programs to facilitate and stimulate the use of their various resources in the fields of excellence and innovation.
  • Working with related establishments in determining the national priorities in the field of innovation and excellence


Intellectual Property and Patent


State of Palestine


09 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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