Hands for Education




Based in Sri Lanka, Hands for Education (HfE) is a charitable organization dedicated to improving access to quality education for children in underprivileged communities around the world. The organization sees education is a powerful tool that can help break the cycle of poverty and empower children to reach their full potential. To achieve its mission, HfE partners with local organizations, schools, and communities to develop and implement sustainable education programmes that address the unique challenges and needs of each community. These programmes include initiatives on school infrastructure development, teacher training provision of learning materials, and scholarships.

In addition to improving access to education, HfE also works to promote gender equality and inclusion, particularly in regions where girls face significant barriers to education. HfE believes that education is a fundamental human right, and is committed to working towards a world where every child has the opportunity to access a quality education, regardless of their socioeconomic background, ethnicity, or gender. Through its various programs and partnerships, HfE has helped to improve the lives and opportunities of countless children and families around the world.


To create a world where every child has access to quality education, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and realize their full potential, regardless of their socio-economic status, ethnicity, or gender.


Child Development, Education


Sri Lanka


04 - Quality Education

Organization Type


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