Aid Organization (AO) Bangladesh




Aid Organization (AO) is a National level Non Government voluntary Organization (NGO) working in Bangladesh, one of the developing countries located in South Asia with an aim to establish human rights and justice especially for the neglected and deprived men, women and children. Aid Organization started to work in 1998 after receiving registration from the Ministry of Social Welfare and NGO Affairs Bureau of Government of Bangladesh (GOB). After having Registration, Aid Organization started its activities by own initiatives with group formation and organize weekly meeting for women on their life oriented different developmental issues. Gradually these groups of women started to aware on their rights from weekly meetings and discussion. Presently Aid Organization working in the field of Disaster management, Poverty alleviation, Training, Education, Environment Protection & Climate Change, Human Rights & Advocacy, Water and Sanitation, Waste Management, Health & Nutrition, TB & HIV-AIDS, Agriculture, Improved Cook Stoves, Micro credit and Micro Enterprise Technical Support Program with assistance from community people, local government, GOB officials and Donors. Aid Organization has ongoing a total of 08 projects being implemented by its 48 (Female 16 and Male 26) skilled and committed staffs including 6 Volunteers and reached to 83,802 beneficiaries across the country sponsored by different, Govt. & INGOs.


The Aid Organization vision is to Sustainable Community achieving equitable education, economic, Women and Child Development, social environment, Climate Change agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Waste management, human rights and Health Development without any Gender Discrimination.


To empower underprivileged Section of the society by taking stand and providing with Financial and logistic support to bring quantities and qualitative changes in their livelihood development for in an Equal and just society implementing the SDG goals by the year 2030.

Core Values

  • Challenge Taking Mentality
  • Responsive and Promptness
  • Promote open thinking and liberty
  • Listening, learning and Knowledge Sharing
  • Confident and commitment
  • Innovativeness and Diversification
  • Accountability and transparency
  • Team Work
  • Gender Equality
  • Respect to other opinions


Child Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, Education, Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, Health, Humanitarian Emergencies, Migration, Peace and Development, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Environment, Water, Youth, Climate Change, Capacity Building




01 - No Poverty, 02 - Zero Hunger, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 04 - Quality Education, 05 - Gender Equality, 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation, 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13 - Climate Action, 16 - Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Organization Type


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