Alliance for Development and Population Services (ADEPS)
The Alliance for Development and Population Services (ADEPS) is a non-profit organization from Kenya which focuses on improving communities through research and needs assessments. The organization’s main goal is to alleviate poverty and promote social and economic development. Our Vision is to build a strong vibrant and cohesive society free from all sorts of injustices ahd social and economic inequalities, and having a scope for self-reliance. ADEPS is committed to the empowerment of grassroots people to strive for their basic needs and generally improve their livelihoods and welfare by promoting a more constructive lifestyle through capacity building, provision of knowledge and information, skills improvement, development programs and provision of materials/capital support.
Capacity Building
01 - No Poverty, 02 - Zero Hunger, 03 - Good Health and Well-being, 04 - Quality Education, 05 - Gender Equality, 08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth, 10 - Reduced Inequalities, 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Organization Type