Scaling-up Partnerships: 7th International Meeting on Triangular Cooperation

12 October 2023, Lisbon, Portugal – Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, Director UNOSSC, participated in the 7th International Meeting on Triangular Cooperation: Scaling-up Partnerships held in Lisbon, Portugal, organized by the Government of Portugal and the OECD. The meeting brought together a wide range of stakeholders involved in triangular cooperation partnerships to discuss the role of triangular cooperation in contributing to the global development agenda, including the 2030 Agenda, Summit for the Future, and COP.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Al-Khatib emphasized that it is critical to value triangular cooperation’s increasing importance together with South-South cooperation for addressing developmental challenges.

”By utilizing the expertise, resources, and knowledge of various actors, synergies can be created to address the complex and interrelated challenges that developing countries encounter today,
said Ms. Dima Al-Khatib
During the opening session, she also highlighted UNOSSC’s recent study on “Triangular Cooperation in the Arab Region: Policies, Perspectives and Practices of Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Members.” The study, prepared in response to the growing interests of the member states from the Arab region, offers the first comprehensive analysis of DAC members’ engagement in triangular cooperation globally and provides in-depth insights into their engagement in the Arab region.
She emphasized that the role of the United Nations remains proactive in exploring steps toward synthesizing existing approaches through various processes.
”“UNOSSC, as a platform for policy dialogues and action, anchored in central nodes of the UN System, is well positioned to amplify consensus messages, showcase proven development solutions, and facilitate joint initiatives,” said Ms. Dima Al-Khatib.

During a Panel Discussion on Financing Triangular Cooperation, Ms. Al-Khatib further elucidated on the key findings and recommendations of the report, and on how we can further enhance and optimize the implementation of triangular cooperation, especially considering the various strategies and practices documented within DAC members.
She emphasized that triangular cooperation holds immense potential, and the benefits of jointly piloting approaches and initiatives through the multilateral system will help bridge North-South development perspectives and foster a shared North-South-South understanding.
UNOSSC enjoys a wealth of experience spanning multiple decades managing Trust Funds. In response to the UN Secretary-General’s call for a “triangular cooperation window” within the United Nations Fund for South-South Cooperation, UNOSSC is working to set up a triangular cooperation window through conceptualizing and co-designing jointly with the Member States, stakeholders, and prospective contributing/programme partners.