4th International Award UCLG – Culture 21 is open – Deadline Mar 18, 2020

January 30, 2020

The 4th edition of the International Award UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 launched!

The Agenda 21 for Culture, promoted all over the world by mayors, cities and local governments, is the first and only international document that recognises and encourages culture as a fundamental dimension of sustainable development of cities. In September 2019 more than 900 cities and organisations were associated to it. United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the most important and largest international organisation of mayors and local governments, is the institutional promoter of the Agenda 21 for culture through its Committee on Culture. The Committee on Culture of UCLG is co-chaired by Buenos Aires, Lisbon and the City of Mexico and involves the cities of Barcelona, Bilbao, Bogotá, Jeju, Porto Alegre and Rome as vice-presidents. Every two years, UCLG organises, a Summit to reflect, discuss and exchange good practices on culture, cities and sustainable development, facilitated by the UCLG Culture Committee.

Starting on 15 November 2019 onwards, cities and local and regional governments, as well as individuals, will be invited to share their cultural projects, programmes and policies for sustainable development of local communities.

The objective of the INTERNATIONAL AWARD UCLG – MEXICO CITY – CULTURE 21 is to recognise leading cities and individuals that have distinguished themselves through their contribution to culture as a key dimension in sustainable cities.

For more details visit website.