
“We, the member countries of the g7+, believe fragile states are characterized and classified through the lens of the developed rather than through the eyes of the developing.” – g7+ Statement, 10 April 2010, Dili, Timor-Leste

About g7+

The g7+ was formed in response to a gap identified by conflict-affected states in the achievement of Millennium Development Goals and service delivery. Despite generous assistance from development partners, the effectiveness of the assistance has not been significant. Having learned difficult lessons through the experience of conflict or disaster, and seeking to transition to the next stage of development, our members recognized that conflict-affected states are best positioned to learn from one another about these hard-won experiences and collectively advocate for contextually tailored development policies for our countries. To this end, on 10 April 2010 in Dili, Timor-Leste, the inaugural meeting of the g7+ was held, during which members expressed the will to establish the group as an international organization and continue meeting and sharing experiences.

g7+ Strengthening

In May 2014 in Lomé, Togo, the g7+ Ministerial Forum agreed on the g7+ Charter, further formalizing the g7+ membership. A year before that, in December 2013, the g7+ Secretariat was registered as an independent entity in Timor-Leste, where the g7+ Secretariat is located. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly on 18 December 2019 adopted the resolution granting g7+ an observer status at the UN. This is a historical milestone in the journey of the g7+. The decision to apply for the observer status was taken during the 5th Ministerial meeting of g7+ in June 2019. Subsequently, the Permanent mission of Sierra Leone to the UN on behalf of the g7+ members submitted the request to the UN Secretary General upon which the item was included in the agenda of the 74th session of the General Assembly. The g7+ Secretariat worked along with the Permanent missions of Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste and other members in New York during the month of October to galvanize support for the resolution.

The Ministerial Forum

The Ministerial Forum is the preeminent decision-making body of the g7+. Each member country appoints a ministerial-level delegate to the Ministerial Forum. The body meets annually, but can be convened at other times if necessary. The Ministerial Forum selects a Minister of a member country (or a person with relevant qualifications equivalent to those of a Minister) to serve as Chair of the Ministerial Forum for a two-year term. The Ministerial Forum also selects a Deputy Chair. The Chair of the Ministerial Forum performs a number of high-level functions, including chairing the Ministerial meeting, representing the group at the highest levels, and facilitating consensus among member countries on strategic issues. The Chair of the Ministerial Forum rotates among the member countries. Currently the group is chaired by the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone, represented by H.E. Francis Mustapha Kaikai, Minister of Planning and Economic Development.

Focus Areas

New Deal for engagement in Fragile states

Bring together g7+ members and donors through an agreed new set of principles for engaging in fragile situations. The New Deal calls for country-led peace-building and state-building goals (PSGs) to be prioritized at country level by government and development partners. The PSGs are 1) Inclusive Politics ; 2) Security; 3) Access to Justice; 4) Economic Foundations through sustainable employment; 5) Build capacity

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The g7+ seek to support the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs in its member countries. The group advocates for a special attention to be granted to the countries in a fragile situation in the implementation of Agenda 2030 due to the peculiarity of their challenges. The g7+ monitors progress across SDGs on the key areas which are common to the membership and endorsed g7+ joint tracking of 20 SDG indicators.

Peer Learning and Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation

Promote Peer-to-peer learning using Fragile-to-Fragile Cooperation (F2F) concept. F2F aims at mobilising cooperation among member countries, developing a network to share knowledge and expertise among them, and applying the collective skills of the group to the specific challenges each country faces.