
The India-UN Development Partnership Fund

About the Fund

The India-UN Development Partnership Fund is a dedicated facility established in 2017 within UNFSSC. It is supported and led by the Government of the Republic of India, managed by UNOSSC, and implemented in collaboration with the United Nations system. The India-UN Development Partnership Fund supports Southern-owned and led, demand-driven, and transformational sustainable development projects across the developing world, with a focus on least developed countries and small island developing states.
The India-UN Fund aims to promote South-South and triangular cooperation supporting development projects and partnerships in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe.

The Vision

The India-UN Development Partnership Fund is a catalytic facility aimed at supporting partner countries towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through South-South cooperation, focusing on areas of high priority for each country.

The Guiding Principles

The India-UN Fund supports projects that are in alignment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The portfolio adheres to the guiding principles of South-South cooperation by placing a priority on national ownership and leadership, development of local capacity and equality, mutual benefit and sustainability, supporting developing countries based on their specific needs with no conditionalities attached.

Programme parameters:

    • Proposed project size: USD 200,000 to USD 1 million. May also provide small grants.
    • Programmatic focus: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    • Geographic focus: LDCs and SIDS and countries where India is only concurrently accredited.
    • Average project implementation timeframe: 12 to 18 months/ or as agreed upon in the project document.

    The Project Cycle

      • Proposals are presented by the Permanent Mission of a partner country to the Permanent Mission of India to the UN in New York in the form of a concept note describing the strategy, key features and indicative budget of the initiative.
      • Proposals are reviewed for approval by the Board of Directors of the Fund on a regular basis.
      • Proposals that have been approved to receive funding would be formulated into a detailed Project Document by the implementing agency. The Project Document is developed in close consultation with UNOSSC and follows its template, standards and procedures. The Project Document is then reviewed by the Board of the Fund. The formulation-approval process is expected to be completed in within three months.
      • The selected implementing agency receives the approval to implement the project with the Government and other partners. The agency is expected to monitor overall implementation in line with United Nations policies and procedures and submit monthly updates. The partnering Governments, accredited representatives of the Government of India and UNOSSC also regularly review the progress of implementation.

      The Commonwealth Window

        The Commonwealth Window of the India-UN Development Partnership Fund welcomes proposals from developing countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, a voluntary association of independent and equal sovereign States. In 2018, the Commonwealth of Nations comprised 53 Member States, including India. Technical and sustainable development and collective national development efforts among Commonwealth countries are particularly pertinent and beneficial given their shared history, mutual respect, common values, and similar institutional, technical and practical instruments that continue to guide and influence their political, regulatory and cultural lives. The Commonwealth Window supports demand-driven, country-owned and transformational sustainable development projects in member countries across the developing world.

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