Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama
South-South and Triangular Cooperation Featured Partner
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama, through the Vice-Ministry of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation, is the entity in charge of directing and coordinating Panama’s foreign policy, international cooperation and diplomatic relations.
The Republic of Panama has been reorganizing and commencing the construction process of a new System of International Cooperation since 2015. This initiative designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the coordinating entity for non-reimbursable international cooperation, both nationally and internationally recognized. In exercising its powers and in accordance with its mandate, the Panamanian Foreign Ministry coordinates with various stakeholders to align with the country’s policies and its mission of guiding, articulating, and coordinating the supply and demand of this segment of international cooperation.

Featured Solutions
Governance of International Cooperation in Panama
With the establishment of the Vice Ministry of Multilateral Affairs and Cooperation, Panama is redefining its strategy in this area to address global challenges and the changes brought about by the new international development agenda based on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, which commenced in 2016 and concludes in 2030.
The first meeting of the National Cooperation Commission was held in August 2019, with the primary aim of reaffirming the commitment to unify efforts. The second session of the National Commission for International Cooperation, titled “Promoting the National Cooperation Plan 2030,” took place in April 2023, enhancing dialogue and continuing the direct exchange of information with the International Technical Cooperation Units (UCTI) of our national institutions.

Panama National Cooperation System

South-South Cooperation Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean 2024
Within the framework of the joint commissions, various bilateral cooperation programmes were established, including with Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Spain, Belize, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and the Dominican Republic, resulting in a total of 96 approved projects.
Regarding training cooperation, the Directorate of International Cooperation (DCI) received, in April 2024, a workshop on good practices and experiences in International Cooperation from the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI). This event provided an opportunity for AUCI to present the progress in South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation achieved in Uruguay.
Additionally, specialists from United Nations agencies in Panama, along with its Resident Coordinator, Ana Patricia Graça, offered the first in a series of workshops on Results-Based Management to 20 government institutions. This initiative aims to strengthen the capacities of technical staff in formulating and managing international cooperation projects.

Ibero-American Integrated Data System on South-South and Triangular Cooperation

South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Significant Progress

2024 South-South and Triangular Cooperation Catalogue of the Republic of Panama
Panama's Engagement in South-South and Triangular Cooperation

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