Partners in Population and Development (PPD)

PPD: South-South Cooperation & Triangular Cooperation Featured Partner

About PPD

Partners in Population and Development (PPD) is an intergovernmental organization of 27 member countries (covering four geographical regions), launched during the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. The organization aims to institutionalize and promote South-South Cooperation (SSC) in reproductive health, population and development. The Republic of South Africa, represented by the Minister of Social Development, Ms. Lindiwe Zulu, serves as its Chairperson for a three-year term (2021-2023).


To promote South-South cooperation towards the attainment of the global population and reproductive health agenda for sustainable development.


To achieve its vision through sustained advocacy, capacity building, networking, knowledge management/sharing and transfer of technology in the field of reproductive health (RH), population and development within the framework of SSC.

The year 2021 marks the year of rethinking products and services of South-South cooperation in keeping track of ICPD and SDGs progress while also considering the challenges caused by the global pandemic, COVID-19. PPD is proud to further promote South-South and triangular cooperation as a follow-up to Nairobi Summit Commitments and accelerate the promise of ICPD for the achievement of the 2030 agenda

Featured Good Practices

Global Competition for Drawings: 2025 Global Report on South-South and Triangular Cooperation

Background The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) engages with Member States globally, regionally, and within the UN system to facilitate practical expressions of Southern solidarity towards achieving internationally agreed development goals. UNOSSC ensures that our southern constituencies have timely access to high-quality analytical planning, mapping, programming, and reporting on data, trends and opportunities [...]

Launch of e-Learning Module on Integrating South-South and Triangular Cooperation for the UN Development System at the Country and Regional level, 10 February 2025

Date and time: 10 February 2025; 8 AM – 9:30 AM (EST/New York Time) Venue: Hybrid - Zoom and In-Person, Amartya Sen Conference room, 10th Floor, FF Building, 304 E 45th Street, NY 10017 Co-organizers: United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and UN Development Cooperation Office (UNDCO) Collaborating partners: FAO, PAHO, UNFPA, WFP and [...]

SSC as a Strategic Priority

PPD’s current five-year Strategic Plan (SP) 2020-2024 addresses critical and emerging population and development issues through strengthening SSC Change Strategies and Interventions in its seven identified priority areas.

The aim of the five-year SP is to support PPD member countries in addressing the emerging issues and challenges for attaining ICPD25 and achieving the SDGs through SSTC. It takes into consideration the outcome document of the BAPA+40 UN Conference held in March 2019 in Buenos Aires. PPD’s Change Strategies for SSC include: i) Evidence-based policy advocacy for stronger political commitment to achieve ICPD and SDGs; ii) Institutionalize the International Inter-Ministerial Conference on SSC in Population and Development; iii) Knowledge management, experience sharing and pilot initiatives; iv) Capacity building of National South-South Focal persons and institutional levels and technical cooperation; v) Creation of SSC Center of Excellence; vi) Improve strategic partnerships and resource mobilization.

South-South Technical Advisory Services (STAS)

South-South processes can overcome resistance experienced by external agencies, through the involvement of local institutions and communities in influencing the cultural norms. PPD offers high-quality consulting services to its member countries and partners ensuring high-quality, accessible and cost-effective technical services. PPD has a network of authorities, institutions, organizations, programs, and professionals in different developing countries. Experts/consultants from the South are more familiar and have wider knowledge and experience in dealing with cultural and social factors that determine the success or failure of programs and inventions in developing countries. Some developing countries could be more receptive to policy and technical advice that come from comparative social, cultural and religious backgrounds.

Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Netherlands, South-South Technical Advisory Services (STAS) is aimed to expand and market developing country professionals to benefit from each other’s expertise and experience in the areas of reproductive health, population and development related issue, strategies, policies and programmes.

PPD on South-South Cooperation to Fight COVID-19

Partners in Population and Development (PPD) and its 27 member countries from the Global South, marshaled resources and engaged technical and financial capacities to contain and control the spread of the virus.

The ingenious strategies and aggressive measures generated invaluable experiences worthy of emulation by other countries under the framework of South-South Cooperation. PPD is also monitoring and sharing the Covid-19 Situation in its Member Countries

PPD Secretariat, with support from the National Health Commission of China and UNFPA, co-convened two successful Webinars on SRH Programming Response to the COVID-19 Crisis using South-South Sharing of Experiences from China with Special Focus on Treatment of infected Pregnant Women. Experts and physicians from China shared their practical experiences with more than 400 health professionals from across the world.

The Government of China, Vice-Chair of the PPD Board, also extended its technical assistance and donated supplies and logistics to many countries, including PPD member states, showing the best example of solidarity and mutual support. PPD strongly believes that the countries can accelerate the defeat of COVID-19 by sharing experiences, forging national unity and global solidarity through South-South and triangular cooperation.

South-South Cooperation between China and Zimbabwe support by PPD: Handing over of medical equipment.

PPD Scholarship Programme

PPD Scholarship Program

Capacity development is one of the priority areas of PPD. PPD has been involved in Capacity Building at individual, institute and system levels since 1998 to promote SSC in the field of RH, Population and Development. PPD initiated its scholarship program since 1998. PPD’s  South-South scholarship program has reached its 14 years landmark with nearly 1,500 graduates from different institutions in PPD member states. The role of the Secretariat is to match the expertise of well-established training institutions with the needs and interests of qualified professionals.

PPD’s scholarship program provides an excellent opportunity for young professionals to acquire new skills, accommodate new challenges, and acquire a strategy for translating global commitments into national needs. Scholars will be offered opportunities to join universities and research and training institutes of the PPD Member Countries to complete their graduation through government awards provided by the host country. It is a unique program managed by both the recipient and host country within a SSC framework.

Core objectives of PPD scholarship program to 1) To capacitate individual professionals in the field of RH, Population and Development; 2) To promote capacity development in terms of research, policy development, capturing real-time data, data analysis and management and widening diplomatic opportunity for SRHR; 3) To facilitate knowledge and experience transfer across the member countries; 3) Sharing the best practices across the member countries; 4) Generation of knowledge and its management for Population and development.

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