
Webinar: The Enablers of Development Cooperation – Opportunities to Enhance National Capacities through SSC, 28 October 2020

October 19, 2020
  • When: 28 October, 8:00 – 9:45 am (New York time)


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the centrality of international development cooperation in reducing risk and building the resilience of developing countries through improved coordination and strengthening national capacities and country systems. Against a complex and dynamic global backdrop, the 2020 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Survey Study illustrated the high value that countries place on the role of key enablers – such as design, implementation and regular evaluation of relevant policies, results frameworks, information/data systems, deliberative forums and capacity support – in improving the quality and impact of international development cooperation. The Study documents how this toolkit of enablers is fostering policy and behavior changes among development partners and facilitating stronger partnerships.

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South-South and triangular cooperation itself is well placed to contribute to the strengthening of the “enablers” of development cooperation, in line with capacity needs identified by developing countries in the DCF Survey Study. Through increasing innovation and dynamism, South-South and triangular cooperation is playing a lead role in building the capacities of developing countries to reduce risk, increase resilience and support the achievement of national sustainable development priorities, including climate action.  In addition to scaling up financial resources and technical assistance to address the immediate impact of COVID-19, countries of the global South have worked to strengthen countries’ capacities, through the sharing of experiences, capacity development, exchanges of information and good practices, as well as new partnerships. The Buenos Aires outcome document of the second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40) highlighted the need for mutual learning and the coordination of development policies and strategies among developing countries in a context of increasingly diverse forms and approaches.

This webinar, co-organized by UN DESA and UNOSSC, will provide an opportunity for participants to exchange experiences and learn more about how countries are using South-South and triangular cooperation to build capacities to reduce risk and build resilience for sustainable development and coordinate action. Participants will also identify opportunities and inspire action for further strengthening and collaboration around the key enablers of development cooperation. The webinar is one in a series of DCF webinars 2020-2021 that focuses on how international development cooperation is adapting to become more responsive to risks and climate-smart while building resilience to potential shocks.


Welcome remarks by Mr. Navid Hanif, Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UNDESA Framing remarks (4- 5 minutes each) by:
  • Mr. Adel Abdellatif, Director a.i. United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation  (salient BAPA+40 recommendations and the role of South-South cooperation in the COVID-19 context)
  • Ms. Angela Bester, Lead Author, 2020 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Survey Study (key findings on capacity support for the enablers of development cooperation)

Session 1: The role of SSTC in strengthening the enablers of development cooperation in the COVID-19 period

Moderator: Mr. Navid Hanif, Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UN DESA Discussion questions:
  • How is South-South and triangular cooperation further enhancing the sharing of knowledge and experience, training, and capacity building to manage and reduce risk and build resilience in the COVID-19 period?
  • How can South-South cooperation further contribute to enhancing the enablers of development cooperation throughout recovery efforts?
  • India (focus on health) (TBC)
  • African Union (focus on inequalities) (TBC)
  • Ms. Marcela Ordoñez Fernandez, Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia (focus on climate and disaster risk reduction)

Session 2: Strengthening national data and information systems through South-South and triangular cooperation

Moderator: Mr. Tarik Iziraren, Deputy Director for Policy and Strategic Partnerships/UNOSSC Discussion questions:
  • How could the contributions of South-South and triangular cooperation be scaled up to strengthen national data and information systems and capacities as a key enabler of development cooperation?
  • What role does improved coordination play, and what are some recent examples?
  • Ms. Gladys Mamtee Osabutey, Head, UN Unit, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Ghana (leader in data and statistical capacity-building) (TBC)
  • Mexico (prominent Southern partner for data and statistics) (TBC)
  • Ms. Claire Melamed, CEO, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (importance of the global partnership of diverse actors in support of better data and related capacities for the SDGs)
Closing remarks
  • Mr. Adel Abdellatif, Director a.i. United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation
  • Mr. Navid Hanif, Director, Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UNDESA