Side Event: 2020 UN Day for South-South Cooperation – Launch of South-South in Action Report:

15 September 2020 – SESRIC and UNOSSC Launched ‘South-South in Action : Transforming Potentials into Shared Prosperity’-The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) along the side-lines of UN Day for South-South Cooperation. The event brought together experts from SESRIC to share SESRIC’s experiences, including initiatives and best practices on South-South Cooperation in OIC Member States.
As a subsidiary organ of the OIC, the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) has been a focal point for South-South technical cooperation and a facilitator for the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices among the OIC Member States since its establishment in 1978.
SESRIC’s activities are aligned with its three main mandates: collating, processing, and disseminating socioeconomic statistics; conducting economic and social research; and organizing and supporting training and technical cooperation. Through its wide array of programmes and activities, SESRIC facilitates the achievement of national, regional, and international development agenda, including the OIC-2025 Programme of Action, the Sustainable Development Goals, Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the New Urban Agenda, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and more.
To spotlight SESRIC’s strategic efforts on South-South cooperation, SESRIC and UNOSSC jointly developed this publication which provides new insights in the field of South-South Cooperation based on the accumulated experience of SESRIC over the last four decades. South-South in Action – SESRIC: Transforming Potentials into Shared Prosperity presents selected programs and best practices initiated by SESRIC towards enhancing collective capacity for greater prosperity in the South. The wealth of technical knowledge and experiences presented in this report shed light on the role of SESRIC in supporting the global development agenda through utilizing South-South Cooperation modalities.
- Ms. Xiaojun Grace Wang, Deputy Director, UNOSSC (Moderator and closing Remarks)
- Mr. Jorge Chediek, Director, United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation and Envoy of the Secretary-General on South-South Cooperation (Opening Remarks)
- Mr. Nebil Dabur, Director General of SESRIC ((Opening Remarks)
- Dr. Atilla Karaman, Director, Statistics and Information Department on (Presenter on SESRIC in Action: Compiling and Disseminating Statistics to Facilitate South-South Cooperation)
- Mr. Mazhar Hussain, Director, Economic and Social Research Department (Presenter on SESRIC in Action: Utilizing Research-Policy Nexus to Promote South-South Cooperation)
- Ms. Semiha Abdullah Inan, Technical Cooperation Specialist, Training and Technical Cooperation Department (Presenter on SESRIC in Action: Building Capacities and Networks to Catalyze South-South Cooperation)
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with its 57 Member States, provides an important platform for cooperation in the Global South. It serves as a forum for dialogue and cooperation by bringing Member States and the relevant stakeholders together for greater partnership, technical cooperation and joint action through various high-level fora. In doing so, the OIC utilizes its potential to strengthen South-South Cooperation by providing strong political backing, linking countries with development needs to those with solutions, and promoting the exchange of technical knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate individual and collective development of its Member States.