Policy Dialogue on Just, Equitable Financing & Solidarity for Climate Action: South-South & Triangular Cooperation Pathways to the SDGs

September 20, 2024

Join us for a policy dialogue on climate action at the Summit of the Future side event. This hybrid event will bring together key stakeholders to discuss the role of South-South and triangular cooperation in addressing climate change and promoting climate justice.

The upcoming Summit of the Future, followed by COP 29 aims to put those most impacted by climate change at the heart of climate action through an explicit lens on investment and policy for countries and communities experiencing climate-related crises. It will also serve as an opportunity to showcase how cooperation across borders and societies can accelerate decarbonization in high-emitting sectors and build climate-resilient societies.

In this regard, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) jointly with the Government of Sri Lanka, serving as the President of the High-Level Committee on South-South and in partnership with the OPEC Fund are organizing an event to trigger a policy-level dialogue and raise awareness of the importance of just and equitable climate action and the role of South-South and triangular cooperation in addressing climate change. The event will provide a platform for developing countries and IFIs to share their experiences and lessons learned in addressing climate change and to identify effective ways to promote climate justice through this cooperation modality. The event will also advocate for increased support from developed countries for South-South and triangular cooperation on climate change initiatives. By raising awareness of the importance of climate justice and the role of South-South and triangular cooperation, this event will help to promote this important issue as we head to COP29.

Key Highlights:

  • Expert panel discussions on just and equitable climate action
  • Sharing of experiences and lessons learned from developing countries and international financial institutions
  • Recommendations for increasing support for South-South and triangular cooperation on climate initiatives

    Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in critical conversations about climate justice and the future of global cooperation on climate change. Register now to attend in person or virtually!


    Time  Description  
    3:00-3:10 pm 

    Welcoming Remarks by: 

    • Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, Director, UNOSSC 
    • H.E. Peter Mohan Maithri Pieris, President of the High-level Committee on SSC and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka 
      3:10-3:25 pm 

      Keynote address: 

      • H.E. Muhammad Fouzul Kabir Khan, Hon’ble Adviser, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Bangladesh 
      • Mr. Haoliang Xu, Associate Administrator, UNDP 
      • Ms. Al Shaimaa Al-Sheiby, Vice President, Public Sector and Strategy, OPEC Fund (virtual)
      3:25-4:15 pm 

      Panel Discussion  

      Moderator: Mr. Jamal Ahmad, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, UNEP New York Office 

      • H.E Mr. Abdulla Balalaa, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Energy and Sustainability at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates  
      • Mr. Elmaddin Mehdiyev, COP29 Presidency Finance Team Lead and Senior Negotiator; Director of Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) 
      • H.E. Mr. Bakyt Sydykov, Head of the Department of Political and Economic Research of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic 
      • Dr. Issa Faye, Director General, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) 
      4:15-4:25 pm   Open Discussion/ Q&A  
      4:25-4:30 pm   Wrap-up by H.E. Peter Mohan Maithri Pieris, HLC President