
High-level Forum on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change, 8 December 2023

November 29, 2023
  • When: December 8 2023, 9:00AM – 12:00PM
  • Where: China Pavilion, COP28 – Dubai, United Arab Emirates


During the 28th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China (MEE) will convene the High-level Forum on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change. The forum will be held on 8 December (Friday) 2023 in the China Pavilion in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

With the theme of “Deepen South-South Practical Cooperation on Climate Change, Jointly Promote Green and Low-carbon Development”, this Forum will be hosted by the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, and co-organised by Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center of MEE (FECO), National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and Chinese Environmental Protection Association. Ministers of relevant countries, high-level representatives of international agencies and senior experts in relevant fields will be invited to participate in the conference, so as to build consensus on South-South climate action, deepen South-South cooperation in addressing climate change, and join hands to promote green and low-carbon modernisation.


1. Opening Session Moderator: Mr. Xia Yingxian, Director General of Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China
  • H.E. Mr. Xie Zhenhua, Special Envoy for Climate Change Affairs of China
  • H.E. Mr. Sultan al-Jaber, COP 28 President-Designate (TBD)
  • H.E. Mr. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of Environment and Ecology of China
  • Mr. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change Secretariat
  • Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, Director of United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)
2. Ministerial Session: Building consensus for practical South-South Cooperation on Climate Change
  • H.E. Ms. Bounkham Vorachit, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Lao PDR
  • H.E. Ms. Phildah Kereng, Minister of Environment and Tourism, Botswana
  • H.E. Mr. Michael Bizwick Usi, Minister of Natural Resourses and Climate Change, Malawi
  • Ministers from Kiribati, Bahamas, Chad, São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Ministers from Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya, Ghana 6. Ministers from Cambodia, Panama, Costa Rica, Papua New Guinea, Zambia, Togo, Burundi, Rwanda, Mali
3. Premiere of a Video Documentary on South-South Cooperation on Climate Change 4. Signing of Agreements: Lao PDR, Botswana, Kiribati 5. Panel Discussion I: Implementation Path and Prospects of the “Africa Solar Belt” Project Moderator: Mr. Zhang Yujun, Director General of Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China
  • Ms. Fang Li, Country Director of World Resources Institute China
  • Mayor of Lagos of Nigeria (TBD)
  • Ms. Irina Lazzerini, Principal Specialist of Sustainable Energy for All
  • Mr. Barthelemy Dias, Mayor of Daker of Senegal
  • Mr. Zhang Xiaohua, Country Director of the Climate Works Foundation
  • African Energy Commission (TBD)
  • Mr. Zhang Jie, Secretary General of Energy Investment Professional Committee, Investment Association of China
  • Mr. Li Zhenguo, Founder and President of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
6. Panel Discussion II: Actions and Perspectives for the Implementation of the Early Alert for All Initiative Moderator: Mr. Chen Zhihua, Deputy Director General of Nation Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation
  • Ms. Yuan Jiashuang, Deputy Director General of Nation Climate Centre
  • Tanzania Meteorological Services (TBD)
  • Mr. Cyrille Honoré, Deputy Director of the Services Department of World Meteorological Organization
  • Mr. He Tao, Technical Proposal Manager of China Academy of Space Technology 5. Ms. Qiu Lili, President of Peaceland Foundation
7. Concluding Remarks
  • Mr. Chen Zhihua, Deputy Director General of Nation Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation