
Fragility Forum 2020: Partnering for Development & Peace, June 08-August 31 2020

August 11, 2020
  • When: June 08-August 31, 2020
  • Contact:
  • For more information, click here.
  • To register online, click here.

The  Fragility Forum is a high-level event organized by the World Bank Group which brings together practitioners and policymakers from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience on engaging in environments affected by fragility, conflict and violence (FCV). Over three days, the Forum aims to provide an opportunity to harness the collective brain trust of stakeholders coming from government, international institutions, donor agencies, private sector, civil society, academia and media to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of development approaches to achieve lasting impact. The Forum has been held three times previously, in February 2015, March 2016 and March 2018.

The Fragility Forum 2020 will focus on implementation: the concrete approaches that are needed to maximize our collective impact and more effectively respond to dynamic, multidimensional, and global challenges affecting countries around the world.

The Forum’s sessions – selected through a global Call for Proposal – will focus on five themes:

  1. Integrated approaches that bring together actors across humanitarian, development and peace sectors, building on each partner’s comparative advantage, mandate, resources and capabilities geared towards achieving collective outcomes of conflict prevention, peace building, humanitarian assistance and development;
  2. Responses focused on the inclusion of women, devising feedback mechanisms, giving voice and strengthening local capacity in times of crisis for the most transformative impact, keeping a strong gender lens, and working effectively not only with governments but in regions and with communities most directly affected by fragility, conflict and violence;
  3. Approaches inclusive of the private sector, and the importance to engage and coordinate with the business community to give it a greater role in responding to diverse FCV situations, including the forced displacement crisis. The inclusive and responsible private sector development can lead transformational change and contribute to stability of FCV countries.
  4. Regional and cross border responses. – addressing regional and cross-border fragility while building up collective knowledge on FCV risks, to work more actively on cross-border programs is critical to reduce the risk that fragility and violence and its spill-over effects into neighboring areas;
  5. Scaled-up monitoring and evaluation as well as collectively devised systems to build up data and evidence of best practice interventions in addressing the sources of FCV and the factors of resilience. Strengthened systems will help development actors to better understand how fragility and violence are affected by various interventions, collect reliable data in insecure and low-capacity environments, and develop approaches that can truly tackle fragility.