- When: Thursday, October 08, 2020 at 03:00 p.m. (GMT +5) (1 pm Amman Local time)
- How to Join: Click here to join the webinar (Meeting ID: 825 4763 1949 Passcode: 835028)
To discuss the important water management issue and solutions to address the challenges, COMSATS Centre for Climate and Sustainability (CCCS) and Royal Scientific Society (RSS) is co-hosting a webinar on “Sustainable Water Governance in the Global South under Changing Climate” on Thursday, 8th October 2020 @ 3 pm (GMT+5). The purpose of the webinar is to bring together experts from the Global South to present evidence-based solutions to challenges in ensuring water security.
Increasing water scarcity is one of the biggest challenges around the globe. Water availability and linked water quality are being heavily impacted by climate change throughout the world especially in the Global South. Change in rainfall pattern, shifting in seasons, increase in temperature, drought, heatwaves, storms, etc. are affecting water resources. Water demand is increasing due to an increase in population, urbanization and industrialization and it is important to manage the existing water resources and save it from depleting before it is too late.
In order to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6, to ensure availability and sustainable management of water sanitation for all, water governance is essential. Water governance discusses the social, economic, administrative and political organizations that influence the use of water and its management. It is important to discuss the management of the water, rights to water, services provider’s role and allied beneficiaries. Water governance discusses the formulation and implementation of water policies, legislations, the role of institutions, civil society and the general public in relation to the provision of services and water usage.
The main objectives of the webinar are:
- To gather scientists, water experts and academicians around the globe to exchange their views and experiences to address the key challenges/research gaps related to water governance and to overcome the water challenges in the Global South.
- To address the role of stakeholders (businessmen, government, academia, civil society) in overcoming the obstacles for implementing water governance.
- Dr. Emmanuel O. Bekoe, Senior Research Scientist , Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
- Dr. Jauad El Kharraz, Head of Research, Middle East Desalination Research Centre (MEDRC), Oman
- Dr. Maha Al-Zu’bi, Researcher – Agriculture Water Solutions, International Water Management Institute (IMWI), Jordan
- Dr. Toqeer Ahmed, Assistant Professor , Centre for Climate Research and Development, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
- Dr. Mehmat Dilaver, Research Officer TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Turkey
- Prof. Sihem Benabdallah, Centre de Recherche et des Technologies des Eaux (CERTE), Tunisia (to be confirmed)
- Dr. Almoayied Assayed, Manager Water Studies RSS, Jordan (Moderator)