
COMSATS Webinar: Sustainable Management of Forests and Challenge of Deforestation in the Global South, 18 February 2021

February 17, 2021
  • When: 18 February 2021 at 3pm (GMT +5)
  • How to Join: Join via Zoom link (Meeting ID: 912 7391 0239; Passcode: 353637)
  • Click here to download the flyer


COMSATS Centre for Climate and Sustainability (CCCS) is holding a webinar on 18 February 2021 on ” Sustainable Management of Forests and Challenge of Deforestation” co-organized by COMSATS Centre for Climate and Sustainability (CCCS), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), and Forestry Research Network of Sub-Saharan Africa (FORNESSA). Attached is the Flyer of the webinar.
This is yet another event in which CCCS has mobilized expertise from the Global South to discuss the important issue of the need for sustainable management of forests through information exchange, knowledge brokerage, sharing good practices and success stories. CCCS platform is actively engaging scientists, researchers and academics from the Global South to connect and cooperate in addressing common challenges in the context of the inter-relationships of climate change and sustainable development.


1. Opening Remarks
  • H.E. Ambassador Shahid Kamal, Head, COMSATS Centre for Climate and Sustainability (CCCS)
2. Keynote Address
  • Prof. Daniel A. Ofori, Director of Forestry Research Institute of Ghana
3. Technical Session
  • Dr. Tonjock Rosemary Kinge, Associate Professor of Mycology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bamenda, Cameroon
  • Mr. Mauricio Andrés Valencia Camelo, Environmental Engineer, International Centre for Physics (CIF), Colombia
  • Mr. Jacob Amoako, Measurement, Reporting and GIS officer at Climate Change Directorate of the Forestry Commission of Ghana
  • Prof.Dr. Maher J. Tadros, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan
  • Dr. Steve Makungwa, Forest measurements, modeling and climate change expert at University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Malawi
  • Mr. Shiva Pariya, Forest Officer, Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forests and Environment, Nepal
  • Dr. Samuel Olalekan Olajuyigbe, Senior Lecturer, Department of Forest Production and Products, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Mr. Ashiq Ahmad Khan, Scientific Representative of EvK2CNR Association, Pakistan
4. Panel Discussion 5. Q&A 6. Closing Remarks