- Organized by: Center for International Knowledge on Development (CIKD), Institute of Resources and Environment Policies of the Development Research Center of the State Council and the Alibaba Foundation
- Date and time: Sunday, 10 December 2023, 14:45 – 16:15
- Venue & Format: Action Room, OA06-G3, China Pavilion, Dubai Expo City
The event aims to bring together government departments, businesses, and research institutes from China and other countries to discuss climate resilience and sustainable development.
14:15-14:45 Video on Energy Transition in China
Moderator: WANG Jinzhao Executive Deputy Director-General of Center for International Knowledge on Development (CIKD), China
14:45-15:40 Speeches (7-8min/person)
- LONG Guoqiang, Vice Minister, Development Research Center of the State Council,
- China
- XIE Zhenhua Special Envoy for Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China
- Dan Jørgensen Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy, Denmark
- Fatih Birol Executive Director of the International Energy Agency
- Manuela Ferro Vice President on East Asia and Pacific, World Bank Group
- Lord Adair Turner, Chair of Energy Transitions Commission, Former Chair of UK Financial Services Authority
- Joseph McMonigle IEF Secretary General
15:40-16:10 Speeches (5min/person)
- Dima Al-Khatib Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation
- ZHOU Dadi Former Director-General of Energy Research Institute, NDRC Vice Chairman of China Energy Research Society
- WANG Naixiang, Chairman, Beijing Green Exchange
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (TBD)
- SONG Juntao Secretary General of eWTP, Vice Chairman of Digital Economy Committee of ICC
- MA Mingjie, DG of Innovation Research of Development Research Center of the State Council, China
- Enterprise Singapore (TBD)
- Gladys Chun, Vice President of Lazada, ESG Head
16:10-16:15 Closing Remarks
- GAO Shiji, Director-General, Research Institute of Resources and Environment Policies of the Development Research Center of the State Council Member of China’s National Expert Panel on Climate Change