
Capacity Building for National South-South Cooperation Focal Persons, 26-27 October 2021 (Virtual)

October 25, 2021


Partners in Population and Development (PPD) has, since its launching, given great importance to capacity building, being one key intervention for the advancement of its SSC programs and activities at the national level with the support of South-South Cooperation Focal Persons, officially designated as Partner Country Coordinators (PCCs). They are focused as the engine of promoting SSC at national, regional and international levels. Sustainable SSC at the national level is only possible if the capacity of the focal persons is strengthened. Several subject-based trainings are provided by the different partners including UNFPA, WHO, UNDP, World Bank, Gate Foundations, Rockefeller Foundation and academic and training institutes. During 2008-2009, PPD and UNFPA jointly established a network of partner institutions of 23 world prominent research and training institutes located in the PPD member countries. Several modules were developed for capacity building of these training institutions as the center of excellence of SSC in training and research in the field of RH, population and development. In order to strengthen the capacity-building program, SSC scholarships were also introduced by the member countries. About 40 scholarships are exchanged annually among the countries.

Considering the duration and severity of COVID-19, PPD and UNFPA have intended jointly to conduct a capacity-building program for national SSC focal persons and other relevant officials from the PPD 27 member countries.

The Rationale

Since April 2018 with the signing of the MoU, PPD reinvigorated its partnership with UNFPA and has taken initiatives to conduct capacity building program for National SSC Focal persons with the aim to improve their skills and abilities in conducting SSC activities in their countries for the implementation of PPD Strategic framework. The UNOSSC also emphasized, during the BAPA+40 Conference held in 2019, that capacity-building programs for the National SSC Focal persons are essential in order to promote SSC globally. While the Global pandemic COVID-19 impacted profoundly on RH, population and development which exacerbated the overall challenges in attaining the progress of ICPD25 and agenda 2030, the capacity building program for national SSC focal persons is getting more relevant than ever. A recent survey on ICPD25 and SDGs through SSC beyond COVID-19 (2020) conducted by PPD in collaboration with UNFPA recommended that national SSC focal persons need better capacity building for a greater contribution towards achieving national Commitments taken at Nairobi Summit on ICPD@25 held in 2019 and the SDGs 2030 agenda.


Two main objectives are:

  • To improve capacity and skills of national SSC focal persons and other relevant officials in order to make effective responses to promote SSC in reproductive health, population and development during and post COVID-19.
  • To strengthen the capacity of National Task Forces for follow-up Nairobi Summit Commitments

The outcome of training

  • Improved capacities for 27 Partner Country Coordinators on SSC
  • Strengthened partners network for knowledge management and capacity building
  • Strengthened the capacity of NTF for follow-up Nairobi summit commitments
  • Exchanged knowledge on country experiences on NTF actions, progress and achievement in attaining Nairobi Summit commitments
  • A report on capacity building workshop.


PCC’s along with relevant officials from PPD member countries, PPD invited consultants on SSC and staff from PPD. At least 7 resource persons from UNFPA, UNOSSC and academic institutions. PPD Executive Committee and Board Member from Kenya will be invited to attend as guest speakers. Around 30 participants are expected to be part of the workshop.

Language: The workshop will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation into French.  Download Agenda (PDF).