12th ILO Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy – Lisbon, 15-26 November 2021

October 13, 2021
  • When: 15-26 November 2021.
  • Languages: The course will be available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Application: To apply for the SSE Academy, please click here.

The Intenational Labour Organization (ILO) and Cooperativa António Sérgio para a Economia Social (CASES) are organising the 12th edition of the Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE Academy). It will take place from 15 to 26 November 2021, and for the first time it will happen virtually.

This edition’s theme is “Building back better: the role of the Social and Solidarity Economy in a people-centred and planet-sensitive recovery”. It will offer the possibility to exchange SSE experiences and methodologies from multiple countries around the world. It will focus particularly on the role of the SSE with regards to the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapidly-changing world of work in a context of crisis generated by COVID-19.

The recent global crisis has further accentuated the need for new paradigms of production and consumption that are more inclusive and sustainable. Growing problems such as unemployment, precarious employment, climate change, and inequalities are forcing us to rethink our conventional approaches.

The perspective of the South-South and triangular cooperation will also be integrated into the 12th SSE Academy and an elective session will be dedicated to the topic. South-South partnerships between SSE stakeholders are inclusive. They involve a multi-stakeholder approach central to the mainstreaming of the Decent Work Agenda. In addition, South-South and triangular arrangements can reinforce the impact of Social and Solidarity Economy in national contexts. They can also sustain wider regional and inter-regional networks and platforms for knowledge and experience sharing. Existing SSE networks between countries from the South are very inspiring initiatives.

Participating in this Academy will allow you to exchange experiences and methodologies with policymakers, researchers and representatives of the SSE at the global level. Take the opportunity to be part of a community that aims to boost the transformative potential of a different economy.

Through the SSE Collective Brain, which is ILO’s interactive virtual space on the SSE, you can find information and materials about all previous editions since 2010. The SSE Collective Brain is a multilingual space that allows participants and former participants to connect and stay in touch in order to exchange and deepen their knowledge about the Social and Solidarity Economy.

Participation is free of charge for selected candidates. This Academy is co-financed by CASES Portugal, ILO and ITC-ILO. Prospective participants are invited to explain their motivation for participating and to commit for their active participation during 3 hours per day for the duration of the Academy. A committee composed by CASES, ILO and ITC-ILO will evaluate the proposals and select the most suitable candidates.