South-South Cities Clusters
City-to-City Partnership Facilitation Platform
Under the aegis of UNOSSC’s Cities Project, the South-South Cities Clusters Initiative aims to bring the networks of cities, institutions, and experts together in order to facilitate horizontal cooperation and exchange. The initiative enables local government representatives and other development actors to engage in thematic South-South and triangular cooperation capacity development and knowledge sharing activities for mutual benefit. Thematic areas include e-commerce, digital innovation, sustainable tourism, youth entrepreneurship, disaster risk reduction, public health, climate change, sustainable agriculture value chain development, gender equality and public services.
Thematic City Clusters
The Cities Clusters initiative is currently offering interactive spaces on seven main thematic areas. These are spaces where local government officials, institutions and experts will be able access the latest thematic news and updates, as well information on capacity development opportunities, good practices from the local level and other opportunities for knowledge exchange in a free, demand-based manner.COVID-19 Response and Recovery & Public Health
Sustainable Transport & Air Quality
E-Commerce, Digitalization & Smart Cities
Sustainable Tourism, Heritage Protection & Creative Economy
Waste Management, Green Cities & Renewable Energy
Disaster Risk Reduction & Mitigation in Resilient Cities
Sustainable Agriculture Value Chain Development
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Recent News and Updates

UNOSSC Facilitates Exchange on Special Economic Zones and Industrial Parks between Ghana and China
On 13 May 2024, the Cities Project of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) hosted an online exchange on Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and industrial parks between China and Ghana. The event brought together over 25 representatives from UN...

UNOSSC Facilitates South-South Exchange on Urban Mobility between Cities in Argentina, Chile and China
On 12 December 2023, the Cities Project of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) held an online exchange on innovative urban mobility, fostering collaboration among officials from Buenos Aires (Argentina), Santiago (Chile), and cities in...

UNOSSC Cities Project Facilitates Collaboration Between Gurbhakot, Nepal, and Nanjing, China on Agro-industrial Park Planning
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6th China International Import Expo: An Important Platform to Promote South-South Trade
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Capacity Development Initiatives

APRM E-Training on South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Accelerating the Implementation of Agenda 2063 and SDGs, 6 March-10 April 2024
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UNDRR GETI, UNOSSC, PAHO/WHO, WHO Joint Certificate Training: Whole-of-society Approach to Creating Healthy, Resilient and Sustainable Cities
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Specialist Short Course- Making Trade Policy Inclusive (Online), Applications deadline: 15 August 2022
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UNFCCC CAPACITY Fellowship Programme
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