Pacific Open Learning Health Net

Pacific Open Learning Health Net

Challenge Small island developing States in the Pacific and their remote island communities are often unable to access the highest-quality health-care education and the latest techniques in disease control and treatment. Medical schools often need to upgrade their...
Family Protection, Support, Security and Justice for Victims of Domestic and Gender-based Violence Programme

Gender-sensitive Social Protection Floors

Challenge Despite high and lasting economic growth and significant progress in reducing poverty, inequality persists in countries in the Asia and the Pacific region. The growing income and wealth disparities, including unequal opportunities in countries such as...
Regional Fit for School Programme

Regional Fit for School Programme

Challenge Many school children in Southeast Asia suffer from ailments such as diarrhoea, acute respiratory diseases, worms and dental caries, all of which are preventable and caused mainly by poor hygiene. These illnesses impair a child’s physical and cognitive...