Fish Culture Development for Africa

Fish Culture Development for Africa

Challenge Fish and other fishery products are preferred food items in Africa because they are rich in protein and micronutrients. Fish is reasonably priced (less expensive than substitute food items such as meat) and constitutes an integral part of traditional diets....
Electron Beam Applications for Value Addition to Food and Industrial Products and Degradation of Environmental Pollutants in the Asia-Pacific Region

Pan-African e-Network Project

Challenge Providing citizens with suitable education facilities and ensuring access to affordable health care are two major concerns of developing countries in Africa. Often, however, the countries lack the infrastructure that their governments need to provide these...
Electron Beam Applications for Value Addition to Food and Industrial Products and Degradation of Environmental Pollutants in the Asia-Pacific Region

Viet Nam Cleaner Production Centre

Challenge Viet Nam has enjoyed rapid economic growth regularly exceeding 6 per cent in recent years. This growth, however, has been based on a limited number of sectors and on export products with low local added value. In order for its growth to continue, Viet Nam...