
HLPF Side Event: Exchanges of Innovative Solutions for Debt Relief – Country Experiences and the Role of South-South and Triangular Cooperation


57th CPD Side Event: Optimizing Southeast Asian Populations Dynamics through South-South and Technical Cooperation, 1 May 2024


VII Regional Conference on Trilateral Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean, 23-24 May 2024


SIDS4 Side Event: IBSA and India-UN Fund Championing Advocacy and Walking the Talk on Supporting SIDS Resilience, 30 May 2024

EventsGender Events

CSW68 Side Event: Leveraging South-South Cooperation for Gender Equality – Reflections from the Global South, 13 March 2024


Global Advocacy Dialogue Series – Charting New Horizons: South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development, 6 March 2024


18th Conference on Educational Cooperation with Latin America on Special Education and Educational Inclusion, 4-8 March 2024