South South in Action

South-South in Action: UNOSSC Social Protection Systems – The Case of Kenya
This report is part of a joint initiative of the Office of South-South Cooperation-Africa and key Government of Kenya stakeholders in the social protection sector. Discussions around the need for social and human dimensions in the ‘triumphant’ capitalist era, gave...
South-South in Action: IAEA – Sustainable Development through the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Science and Technology
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) are pleased to jointly present this volume of South-South in Action. This is the first report of the IAEA on South-South and triangular cooperation. The...
South-South in Action: Global One 2015 Faith-based Advances in Developmental, Humanitarian and Environmental Spheres
This series is about showcasing South-South unity in action and Global One’s activities encapsulate the true meaning of South-South cooperation to build sustainable development. The regions of intervention are Africa, Asia and the Arab States. This publication...
South-South in Action: The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
While South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation have been present in the world as concepts and practices for decades, global interest in them has been growing rapidly over the past decades. That period saw the vigorous and sustained economic growth of...