
Trade Intelligence and Negotiation Adviser (TINA)

October 22, 2020


Launched by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Trade Intelligence & Negotiation Adviser (TINA) provides insights into current tariffs, agreements and bilateral trade flows, as well as identifying commodities to negotiate better tariffs on. The platform aims to assist ESCAP member States in the negotiations of trade agreements, with the ultimate objective of enhancing trade in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. TINA provides insights into the following:

  • Who to negotiate with? Which economies do you already have agreements with? And with what tariffs?
  • What to negotiate? On which commodities should you negotiate reduced tariff rates?
  • What will the benefits be? What are the benefits of reduced tariffs on the respective commodities?

Data to Intelligence

TINA gathers & processes trade data and provides useful intelligence on:
  • Bilateral Trade Flows: TINA provides an overview of current (bilateral) trade flows (imports & exports) and top traded commodities.
  • Trade Facilitation Measures: TINA compares implementation of various trade facilitation measures (such as paperless trade).
  • (HS6) Tariff Rates: TINA provides insights into trade agreements, as well as MFN and preferential tariff rates on HS6 level.
  • (HS6) Commodities: TINA is able to determine (based on your preferences) on which commodities lower tariffs could be negotiated.