
South-South in Action: Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC, 2019)

March 18, 2019

This publication describes Norway and Norec’s engagement in South-South and Triangular cooperation, and outlines Norec’s theory of change and its approach to the SDGs. Six case studies are given as examples of good practices.

Norway is a committed partner to global development. Since 1976, Norway has exceeded the commitment of providing 0.7 per cent of gross national income (GNI) as development cooperation on a yearly basis. There is broad political and public support for development cooperation. In 2017, Norway’s net official development assistance (ODA) amounted to US$3,043 million, accounting for 0.99 per cent of the country’s GNI. Seventy-six per cent of Norwegian ODA were channelled bilaterally. Norway is a staunch supporter of multilateralism, both through political and financial support. The country’s financial support to multilateral organizations goes in almost equal parts to core and non-core funding.

This publication presents Norway’s story of development cooperation over five decades and its transformation from a traditional donor to one actively engaged in promoting and utilizing South-South and triangular cooperation to deliver development outcomes. South-South and triangular cooperation has been embedded in NOREC’s broad development strategy and practice since 2001. NOREC has dedicatedly developed workstreams related to triangular cooperation and currently supports over 50 active South-South and triangular projects.