
Comoros & Brazil Celebration of the International Day of South-South and Triangular Cooperation.

November 2, 2023

Since November 2020, ACCI has brought together members of civil society, the private sector, public administrations, and development partners through the COOPERATIONS Platform. This platform aims to become an accelerator of opportunities for South-South and Triangular cooperation. The 2023 edition of the celebration of the UN Day of South-South and Triangular Cooperation aimed to continue raising awareness so that development stakeholders in Comoros fully realize the opportunities presented by Southern countries. In addition to presentations and sharing of experiences, this celebration was marked by exchanges with the Brazilian delegation for the realization of cooperation projects in the fields of education and higher education, waste management, agriculture, and livestock.

A Brazilian Cooperation mission arrived in Moroni, Comoros on 17 September 2023. The mission opened up with the celebration of the International Day of South-South and Cooperation. The main objective of the mission was to commemorate the International Day of South-South Cooperation and to discuss opportunities and strengthen future cooperation between Brazil and the Comoros in the fields of agriculture, education, and solid waste management.

The event provided an opportunity to reflect on the progress made, share best practices, and draw lessons learned so far in the field of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC). These exchanges will strengthen cooperation between Comoros and Brazil through the two cooperation agencies (ACCI-ABC) to help Comoros become an emerging country by 2030.

The event was attended by high-level representatives, including the acting minister of the President of the Republic of the Union of the Comoros, the current President of the African Union, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Comoros, other members of the Comorian government, the UNDP Resident Representative in the Comoros, the Brazilian Ambassador to the Comoros and the Ambassador/Director of the ABC.

The mission continued as the parties discussed a number of potential cooperation projects and carried out courtesy visits and technical visits until 23 September 2023. During the mission, a roadmap was validated between ACCI and ABC, and a memorandum of understanding in identified partnership areas was signed.

Click here for the Concept note and the TORs of the mission.