Promoting South-South Cooperation in Countering Terrorism & Preventing Violent Extremism: For a Future Without Terrorism

Welcome to the Online Network of Southern Experts!

As a follow-up to the Expert Meeting on Promoting South-South Cooperation (SSC) in Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism, as and when conducive to terrorism (CT/PVE), held in November 2019 in New York, and based on the priorities of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), an on-line network of Southern experts and stakeholders is created using the knowledge-brokering platform, South-South Galaxy, supported by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation. This platform provides a virtual space for voluntary knowledge exchange and learning to promote cooperation on CT/PVE and opportunities for continued dialogue among countries from the global South.

Terrorism in the Global South

Terrorism has severely affected many countries in the global South. Collective approaches are needed amongst these countries to prevent and counter terrorism, and the conditions conducive to its spread. Experiences, which have been tested, validated, adapted and/or scaled up in comparable contexts, are of great value to other developing countries. The benefits of South-South cooperation have been noted at training workshops and engagements with Permanent Missions, and there is demand for the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) to play a facilitator role. Participants from the Global South have offered to share their knowledge and experiences in counter-terrorism in a sustained manner, including by offering training courses on specific counter-terrorism challenges and to provide financial support as well as in-kind contributions.
Building on the interest from Member States, the UN Counter-Terrorism Center (UNCCT) within UNOCT has identified a gap which calls for greater exchange between policymakers, experts, and NGOs from developing countries to address the scarcity of information on countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism (CT/PVE) related expertise available in the global South. It has, therefore, launched a groundbreaking project effort to systematize, document and scale up Southern exchanges on CT/PVE.

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Connect & Collaborate

Share & access a wide range of good practices from members countries and partners on CT&PVE and nurture collaboration opportunities


Advisory Services

Provides an array of services to assist Southern partners to cater to their specific requirements related to CT/PVE
Members Only


Enables members to share quick updates and news, engage and interact through e-discussions on topics related to CT/PVE, including cybersecurity, countering terrorist financing, engaging youth, development, education etc.