Brand Global Summit 2020, 27-29 April 2020, Vienna, Austria

March 6, 2020

The summit seeks to promote economic and social integration, business partnerships and serve as platform for exchange of the best practices and experiences to advance the economic development. It leverages the power of branding as a tool to foster Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Core topics: Destination, City & Region Branding, Corporate Branding, Brand investments for sustainability, Brand funds, Brands for competitiveness and sustainable growth, Brand for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The event will be an excellent opportunity to showcase success stories and to share experiences about utilization of branding as an effective solution to support regions to improve the quality of their products, to achieve higher productivity, to diversify and to attract investments. These measures promote competitiveness, grant access to global markets and create additional economic value, new jobs and improve overall quality of life.

Find out more information here.