ILO SSTC Results: Analysis in the framework of P&B Outcomes 2018-2019 (ILO, 2019)

Jan 31, 2020 | Publications

ILO adopted the Programme and Budget (P&B) Proposal for 2018-19 which stipulated the integration of SSTC results as a support to achieve ILO’s strategic framework (including 10 Outcomes). SSTC was underscored as an effective tool to increase development cooperation and to enforce and expand external partnerships and strategic partnerships for the ILO’s development cooperation. In June 2018 the ILC adopted a Roadmap for development cooperation, in which SSTC is one of the pillars.

During the biennium 2018-19 a total of 1,785.841 US$ regular budget has been allocated to South-South and Triangular cooperation (SSTC) activities which covered the 5 ILO regions with regional and global impacts. 44 initiatives were supported in the biennia.

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