SSN4PSI: South-South and Triangular Cooperation Featured Partner


The South-South Network for Public Service Innovation (SSN4PSI) was launched at the 2017 Global South-South Development Expo in Antalya, Turkey, jointly by Government of Bangladesh and UNOSSC Regional Office for Asia & Pacific, Bangkok through Access to Information (a2i) Programme of ICT Division, supported by Cabinet Division and UNDP.

It is a platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and expertise among relevant stakeholders. The network supports effective southern collaboration through knowledge-sharing, peer-to-peer learning, capacity-building, technical cooperation, and technology transfer rooted in the principle of “Matchmaking”. Matchmaking ensures leapfrogging by reducing the need to reinvent the wheel every time a solution is needed.

It facilitates useful replication of successful solutions catering to the unique local need and context of the knowledge importer countries and organizations. It also catalyzes partnerships among countries and development partners. The aim is to assist Southern countries to achieve the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and to achieve citizens’ demands consistent with their development goals.


The vision of the network is to effectively promote policy-level interventions and drive effective South-South cooperation in 6 areas, like – Public Service Delivery, Civil Service Capacity Development, Future of Work and The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Inclusive Digital Financial Services & Fintech, Data Innovations to Achieve SDGs, Public Awareness and Engagement for Development.

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The main goal of SSN4PSI is to provide a timely platform to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and expertise amongst relevant stakeholders, to harness innovations and achieve the SDGs and other development goals. Specific objectives:

  • Facilitate a comprehensive understating of the kind of service delivery innovations that create sustainable impact and process of creating that impact;
  • Institutionalize SSC and TrC in the Context of Public Service Innovations
  • Enable pathways from innovation prototyping to up-scaling;
  • Identify linkages between service delivery innovations and development leapfrogging;
  • Explore the role of public service innovations in the realization of the SDGs;
  • Enable match-making to catalyze partnerships among participating countries on public service innovations.

Our Work

To date, the network has organized six international workshops in Bangladesh (2017), Kazakhstan (2018), the UN Headquarters, United States (2018), Fiji (2019), Italy (2019), India (2019) and arranged 16 field visits. SSN4PSI also co-organized several side-events in BAPA+40 Conference, Buenos Aires; Asia Pacific Forum, on Sustainable Development, Bangkok; Pacific Capacity-building Workshop, Fiji; Data revolution, High Level Political Forum (HLPF), New York. So far, the workshops, field visits, and other outreach events of SSN4PSI have generated 217 partnership opportunities involving 38 countries from all over the world. The network has also created 16 knowledge products.

The platform showcases initiatives such as the Teaching Factory Concept of Singapore; Project Rangeet of India; SDG Tracker, Community Health Clinic, Open Government Data, Skills for Decent Employment, Empathy-based Training, Digital Centre, Web-Based Environment Clearance Certificate, and Unemployment-free village initiatives of Bangladesh. Successful implementation of some of these initiatives is going on in Peru, Fiji, Somalia, Bhutan, Maldives and the Philippines.

In 2019, the National Portal, Empathy Training, and Service Process Simplification have been introduced in the Philippines and the SDG Tracker has been adapted in Bhutan from Bangladesh. Furthermore, the Teaching Factory Concept from Singapore Nanyang Polytechnic has been adapted in Bangladesh. The Project Rangeet initiative of India has been introduced in Afghanistan.

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Featured Publications

SSN4PSI Featured Publications POM
January 3, 2020

Southern Development Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals

PublicationsSSN4PSI Featured Publications POM
November 18, 2019

The South-South Matchmaker: South-South Network for Public Service Innovation, 2017-2018 Best Practices

The SSN4PSI is a collaborative platform where governments, private sector organizations, experts and academics exchange knowledge, experience and expertise on public sector innovation. The network utilizes South-South and triangular cooperation…
South South in ActionSSN4PSI Featured Publications POM
March 13, 2019

South-South in Action: Citizen-Friendly Public Service Innovation in Bangladesh

This publication on Bangladesh’s experiences in development is special in the context of South-South cooperation. Bangladesh is generally considered one of the smaller countries in South Asia. However, this publication…

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