South-South Cooperation (SSC) has been recognized as a veritable platform for collaboration among countries in the Global South in the areas of politics, economics, social relations, culture, environment and technology. The similarity in the experiences of these countries and their locations within the structure of global capitalist order make such cooperation to be imperative. In the past four decades, there have been a mixed result in the patterns and forms of growth of trade and investment within and between countries of the Global South. In this respect, there has been a dramatic increase in trade and investment among some countries in the Global South, with emerging Southern states, such as China and India leading the pack on both scores. The differences in the levels of development of the countries of the Global South and the interlinkages in their economies necessitate higher level of cooperation. This can be introduced through the encouragement of increased regional integration that produces successful and sustainable economic development. With proper consideration, integration agreements have the ability to address infrastructural barriers to trade in a strategic manner that encourages regional cooperation.
Goals and Objectives
The United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) will commission a special edition of Idea Papers on the subject of ‘South-South Cooperation in Strengthening Global South Trade, Investment and Regional integration’. The publication objective is to examine challenges and future prospects given the changing global realities.
UNOSSC invites eligible contributors from the South-South Global Thinkers Network to submit expressions of interest responding to the papers’ outlines (see below) and accompanying guiding questions prepared for the special edition. Interested contributors are asked to submit applications for only one of the Idea Papers. Following the publication of the Idea Papers, UNOSSC aims to help disseminate their findings through its global networks. The policy relevant papers will draw on independent research, analysis and perspectives of commissioned authors.
Publication Timeline
(Expression of Interest Deadline extended to January 24th)
Proposed Idea Papers
Guidelines for Authors
South-South Cooperation scope – Individual contributions would need to examine South-South avenues, examples, good practices, case studies, policy prescriptions aimed at promoting and strengthening South-South trade and investments. In addition, authors would need to explore challenges, opportunities and pathways for new partnerships to strengthen Global South trade and investments. For additional information, please click here
- Contributors are encouraged to refer to the Framework of Operational Guidelines on United Nations support to South-South and Triangular Cooperation for future guidance on operation definitions, SSC guiding principles and frameworks. Information could be found here.
- Individual contributions should be approximately 8000-9000 words, including all references.
- Contributors are required to follow the Harvard style guide in preparing their papers, including references.
- Interested contributors are required to submit expressions of interest and brief paper outlines (500 words in length) together with CVs and list of relevant publications to UNOSSC by December 23, 2019 for further consideration.
- First drafts are to be submitted by February 28, 2020 while 2nd drafts to be shared with UNOSSC by April 1, 2020 and 3rd drafts are required by June 1, 2020.
- All submitted papers must be the original work of the contributor(s). At the time of submission, submitted papers should not have been previously presented, submitted or accepted for publication or published. All papers will undergo double blind peer review prior to publication.